well I should have used the Jooma! JCaptcha class to include the repcaptcha in the form.
But, as I did not, Visforms is not able to handle Recaptcha V2.0 properly.
You can change this relatively easily.
Open the file administrator/components/com_visforms/helpers/html/visforms.php
There is a function getCaptchaHtml
Find the code lines
else if ($form->captcha == 2)
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$html .= '<div id="dynamic_recaptcha_1"></div>';
in this function and replace it with
else if ($form->captcha == 2)
$captcha = JCaptcha::getInstance('recaptcha');
$html .= $captcha->display(null, 'dynamic_recaptcha_1', 'required');
I had to generate new Recaptacha 2.0 compatible keys as well but after that and clearing all browser caches, the V2 Recaptcha was displayed properly and work fine.
Please let me know, if this fixes the problem. I could merge thechanges into the Visforms code then and (after waiting a bit longer if any other issues with Joomla! 3.5 pop up) can release a bugfix version of Visforms.