Joomla 5 Notice

We are pleased to announce that as of January 29, 2024, all of our Joomla extensions are compatible with Joomla 5.

For all who are still updateing from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4: Joomla 4 Migration instructions are available here:

There is now a separate Documentation for Visforms for Joomla 4 and for Visforms for Joomla 5!

vi-solutions Plus Flexible Joomla! Platform Are Optimum Basis for Ambitious CMS Challenges

vi-solutions exists since 2003 and delivers software-engineering and products in the areas of PHP/JavaScript/CSS and Joomla!, Java2EE Web Development, Cloud Application Development as well as development for Windows with C/C++/C#.

About Us

We are engaged intensely in Joomla! for many years.

We create websites, build powerful online applications and implement constantly new features for our popular extensions. Our project experience looks back on determined and focused undertakings based on reliable planing and best suitable technical means. Our form builder Visforms on its own addresses all critical areas of the Joomla! CMS in order to combine user forms and user data into effective workflows, while providing an excellent User Experience (UX) to the end user.

We do offer our experience and insights as software-engineers to you, regardless of how small or large your concern.

Free Extensions and one Subscription

We share the conviction that Open Source Software offers the better ways. This is why vi-solutions continues developing free of charge Joomla! extensions, like the popular form generator Visforms and the extremely useful and highly protective SpambotCheck Plugin. All of which fit seamlessly into the the Joomla! framework in compliance with Joomla! standards.

Visforms Subscription expands our form generator with possibilities to turn great user forms and secure user data into sophisticated web applications having complex user interactions. Numerous developer friendly interfaces are included to intervene into the data workflow, evaluate logic and initiate additional further tasks. We make use of Visforms Subscription in client projects, using this feature rich generic form generator to realize amazing solutions in a fast and highly cost-effective way. Customer specific demands and modifications for specialized actions or results may be added without any mentionable overhead.

Dr. rer. nat. Aicha Vack

Owner, CEO
Project Leader
Joomla! Software Engineer
CMS websites
Aicha Vack has a PhD in biologie and works as software engineer since 1998. Her Focus is on web development and she is the most senior Joomla! expert at vi-solutions. She is the lead developer of our Joomla! extensions: Visforms, Spambotcheck Plugin and Viscarousel as well as of our Joomla! templates. If you need help with improving your website or require a custom Joomla! component, she's the right person to ask.

Dipl.-Phys. Ingmar Vack

Projekt Leader
Software Architect
Software Engineer
Java2EE Web Development
Cloud Application Development
Ingmar Vack has a degree in physics and works sinces 1995 as software engineer. He has vast experience as software architect as project leader and as consultant in prestigious sofware companies.

Leon Vack

Student, Mathematics
Software Engineer
Java2EE Web Development
Cloud Application Development
Leon Vack is currently studying mathematics at the Ruprecht Karls Universitä, Heidelberg. Although he's young, he's a skilled software engineer with professional project experience. He enjoys keeping up with modern technology trends like Cloud (Google, Amazon), Docker Container, Golang and others, in practice and theorie. A very special focus, which he brings into his workings with enthusiastic and completely, lies with the IT-security in common and the Cypber-security in particular. On this topic he participates regularly in international competition. Another of his passions is cryptologie.