Yes, I read it but didn't notice this notification about local systems. I still don't understand what emails I should put and where but maybe I will learn it while I test it on web and not on MAMP.
I know that I can view data when I click on the "Display data" but there is nothing. Form really is not sending any data. Is this also because of the MAMP? Or can this happen if I have wrong email settings? Maybe I should check this also on web.
But now I got new strange problem. I don't find those tabs anymore from "Visforms edit form" where I can choose "mail options", "spam protection", "advanced" etc. I can find those tabs on another webpage but not another. This website where tabs are visible uses Visforms 3.6.11 and another where I don't find tabs uses Visforms 3.7.1
I took pictures about these situations and Source Code of page where tabs are not visible.