Hello Phil,
the writing of the plugin string {vfdataview} is more or less a development task, at least like writing HTML or CSS.
The internal part (text between opening {vfdataview} and closing {/vfdataview} tag) of the plugin string is commonly known as JSON.
And you have to know the Visforms table structure to a certain degree (form IDs, field IDs and so forth).
Here is the plugin string of a tiny article that only shows a short static text
('Test article showing the logged-in user own form submit first name:')
and the value of the field 'first name' (field id 62) of the form (form id 10) that the logged in user submitted
The tiny data list in this case only contains 1 field of 1 record, showing no page header, no field label - only the name.
The data list, even a tiny one, is always a HTML table structure; due to the fact that it is meant and build to show large amount of data with filter search and pagination features.
In order to control the layout in detail you might have to be able to write some custom CSS in Visforms:
Dashboard --> Edit CSS
Here you create a new file that must have 'custom' in its name (like 'custom-data.css') and fill it with your own custom CSS as you wish.
The custom CSS file gets then loaded automatically by Visforms and is present in the page in the frontend.
I used this small CSS to have the name placed directly under the static text:
#plg-vfdataview-list-container0 .visdatatable {
display: inline;
Where the '0' in 'plg-vfdataview-list-container0' simply counts the occurrence of any plugin string {vfdataview} in the article.
Multiple plugin strings are possible.
In order to have only the data of the logged in user selected and shown in the frontend you have to configure the form:
Form configuration tab 'Dataview in Frontend', parameter 'Own Data only' = 'Yes'
In order to have for each registered user only one data record you have to configure an appropriate field, like the email which should be unique:
Field configuration tab 'Advanced', parameter 'Unique Values Only' = 'Yes'.
Subsequent form submits of the same registered user only update the one and only record in the form data table.
Best regards, Ingmar