Joomla 5 Mitteilung

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass seit dem 29. Januar 2024 alle unsere Joomla Erweiterungen mit Joomla 5 kompatible sind.

Für alle die gerade noch von Joomla 3 auf 4 aktualisieren: Anleitungen für die Joomla 4 Migration gibt es hier:

Es gibt nun auch eine eigenständige Dokumentation für Visforms für Joomla 4 und für Visforms auf Joomla 5


Visforms Subscription Inhaber können in unserem Forum Fragen stellen. Bitte mit dem entsprechenden Benutzer anmelden.
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Bitte stellen Sie nur 1 Frage pro Thema.

Wichtig Angaben für fast jede Frage:
V1: Welche Visforms-Version läuft?
V2: Welche Joomla-Version läuft?
V3: Welche PHP-Version läuft?

Aufgrund von Feiertagen und Urlaub ist bei Anfragen im Forum in der Zeit vom 20. Dezember 2024 bis zum 8.Januar 2025 mit verlängerten Antwortzeiten zu rechnen.

unable to install vfsubscription_j4.0.0_4.4.0

11 Monate 1 Woche her #9961 von rusasadmins
unable to install vfsubscription_j4.0.0_4.4.0 wurde erstellt von rusasadmins
I was able to install vfbase_j4.0.0_4.4.0 but unable to install vfsubscription_j4.0.0_4.4.0.

Joomla\Filesystem\File::copy: Copy failed.

Package Update: There was an error installing an extension:

11 Monate 1 Woche her #9963 von Administrator IV
Administrator IV antwortete auf unable to install vfsubscription_j4.0.0_4.4.0
Hello rusasadmins,

Thanks for reporting the error message.
This error occurs in the Joomla installer when there are read-only files on the server that need to be updated.
Read-only files cannot be overwritten during installation and will generate errors and messages and abort.

The read-only files are certainly CSS files that were edited outside of Visforms.
After saving the changes, the editor often sets write protection by default.

The next Visforms installation 4.4.1, which has not yet been released, has now been expanded to this effect.
- some of your own CSS files were missing from the list
- In the event of an error, the path and name of the affected file are logged

You now have 2 options.

1st option:
You look for read-only CSS files on the server below the following directory and remove the write protection:

2nd option:
You use the installation packages for Visforms Basic and Subscription Version 4.4.1 sent via WeTransfer to your forum email address.
This subscription should continue (write protection for previously missing known CSS files will be removed during installation).

If the same error occurs unexpectedly, please send me the log file of the installation to know the path and name of the affected file.
This log file has the following path: .../administrator/logs/visforms_update.php

There is another recent case where this preliminary 'internal' Visforms Basic and Subscription version 4.4.1 installation went through without errors:

Kind regards, Ingmar

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

11 Monate 1 Woche her #9965 von rusasadmins

I was able to install the base extension you provided but not the subscription item. Below is the contents of update.php.

Thank you for your support!

~ Steve

#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2024-01-08 21:50:56 UTC
#Software: Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT

#Fields: priority    message
INFO    *** Start update of extension pkg_vfbase 3.0.5: 2024-01-08 21:50:56 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.0.0 to 3.0.5
INFO    Try to get last compatible version sequenz
INFO    *** Start update of extension visforms 3.14.11: 2024-01-08 21:50:56 ***
INFO    Installed version is: 3.14.6 Update version is : 3.14.11
INFO    *** Try to delete old files ***
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/controllers/vishelp.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/css/visforms_min.css does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/images/icon-16-visforms.png does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/js/jquery-ui.js does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/js/jquery-ui.min.js does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/vishelp.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/aeffrontenddataedit.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/btsize.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/donate.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/spaceraefhidden.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/views/vistools[TMP]l/css.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/views/visfields[TMP]l/default_batch.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/captcha/images/audio_icon.gif does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/controllers/message.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/models/message.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/lib/layout/helper/formlayoutstatebt3horizontal.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/lib/layout/helper/formlayoutstatebt3mcindividual.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/encodings_maps.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/htmlcolors.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/pdf417.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/spotcolors.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/tcpdf_filters.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/unicode_data.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/media/com_visforms/js/visforms.min.js does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/de-DE/de-DE.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/de-DE/de-DE.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.sys.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.sys.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/views/vishelp does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/lib/placeholder does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/views/message does not exist.
INFO    Check if Subscription update is necessary
INFO    *** Try to install pdf fonts ***
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_spambotcheck 3.6.2: 2024-01-08 21:50:57 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.6.1 to 3.6.2
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension pkg_vfbase 3.0.5: 2024-01-08 21:51:00 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.0.5 to 3.0.5
INFO    Try to get last compatible version sequenz
INFO    *** Start update of extension visforms 3.14.11: 2024-01-08 21:51:01 ***
INFO    Installed version is: 3.14.11 Update version is : 3.14.11
INFO    *** Try to delete old files ***
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/controllers/vishelp.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/css/visforms_min.css does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/images/icon-16-visforms.png does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/js/jquery-ui.js does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/js/jquery-ui.min.js does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/vishelp.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/aeffrontenddataedit.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/btsize.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/donate.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/models/fields/spaceraefhidden.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/views/vistools[TMP]l/css.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/views/visfields[TMP]l/default_batch.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/captcha/images/audio_icon.gif does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/controllers/message.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/models/message.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/lib/layout/helper/formlayoutstatebt3horizontal.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/lib/layout/helper/formlayoutstatebt3mcindividual.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/encodings_maps.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/htmlcolors.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/pdf417.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/spotcolors.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/tcpdf_filters.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/libraries/visolutions/tcpdf/unicode_data.php does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/media/com_visforms/js/visforms.min.js does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/de-DE/de-DE.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/de-DE/de-DE.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.sys.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_visformsdeletedata.sys.ini does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/views/vishelp does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/administrator/components/com_visforms/lib/placeholder does not exist.
INFO    [ROOT]/components/com_visforms/views/message does not exist.
INFO    Check if Subscription update is necessary
INFO    *** Try to install pdf fonts ***
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_spambotcheck 3.6.2: 2024-01-08 21:51:02 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.6.2 to 3.6.2
INFO    update successfull
WARNING    Error connecting to the server: 403
WARNING    Error connecting to the server: 403
INFO    *** Start update of extension pkg_visforms_subscription 3.5.9: 2024-01-08 22:00:50 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.5.5 to 3.5.9
INFO    *** Start update of extension files_vfsubsfiles 3.5.6: 2024-01-08 22:00:50 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.5.2 to 3.5.6
WARNING    Copy failed: [ROOT][TMP]/install_659c7091e4d24/packages/install_659c709206cf6/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg to [ROOT]/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg
WARNING    JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file [ROOT][TMP]/install_659c7091e4d24/packages/install_659c709206cf6/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg to [ROOT]/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_custom_mail_address 1.4.9: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_content_visforms_data 1.11.7: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.11.6 to 1.11.7
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_delay_double_registration 1.5.4: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.5.3 to 1.5.4
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_content_visforms_form 3.4.8: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 3.4.6 to 3.4.8
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_mail_attachments 1.6.6: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.6.5 to 1.6.6
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_max_submissions 1.6.5: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.6.4 to 1.6.5
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_search_visformsdata 1.1.3: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_system_delete_visforms_data 1.2.1: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_auto_delete_data 1.1.3: 2024-01-08 22:00:51 ***
INFO    Try to update from version 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension pkg_visforms_subscription 3.5.9: 2024-01-08 22:01:07 ***
INFO    *** Start update of extension files_vfsubsfiles 3.5.6: 2024-01-08 22:01:07 ***
WARNING    Copy failed: [ROOT][TMP]/install_659c70a361aac/packages/install_659c70a36b066/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg to [ROOT]/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg
WARNING    JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file [ROOT][TMP]/install_659c70a361aac/packages/install_659c70a36b066/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg to [ROOT]/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_custom_mail_address 1.4.9: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_content_visforms_data 1.11.7: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_delay_double_registration 1.5.4: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_content_visforms_form 3.4.8: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_mail_attachments 1.6.6: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_max_submissions 1.6.5: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_search_visformsdata 1.1.3: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_system_delete_visforms_data 1.2.1: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull
INFO    *** Start update of extension plg_visforms_auto_delete_data 1.1.3: 2024-01-08 22:01:08 ***
INFO    update successfull

11 Monate 1 Woche her #9966 von rusasadmins
I get the following error when I click on Forms.

Class 'Visolutions\Component\Visforms\Administrator\Model\VispdfsModel' not found

11 Monate 1 Woche her #9967 von rusasadmins
This is what the Extensions Update page looks like before I attempt to install the Visforms: Installation packages v4.4.1.

Vfbase Package
Site Package 3.0.5 4.4.0 N/A N/A Update
Select Vfsubscription Package Vfsubscription Package
Site Package 3.5.9 4.4.0 N/A N/A Update

11 Monate 1 Woche her - 11 Monate 1 Woche her #9972 von Administrator IV
Administrator IV antwortete auf unable to install vfsubscription_j4.0.0_4.4.0
Hello Steve,

Maybe you actually used the installation 4.4.1 that was sent.
Unfortunately, this does not match the contents of the log file.

The log file only contains, at least here in the post, old installation processes on a Joomla 3 from 2024-01-08 of vfbase 3.0.5 and subscription 3.5.9:
Line 50: INFO *** Start update of extension pkg_vfbase 3.0.5: 2024-01-08 21:51:00 ***
Line 94: INFO *** Start update of extension pkg_visforms_subscription 3.5.9: 2024-01-08 22:00:50 ***

But even with the 'old' installations there were already problems with files on the server that were read-only, which shouldn't be the case:
Line 99:
JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file
[ROOT][TMP]/install_659c7091e4d24/packages/install_659c709206cf6/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg to
Line 129:
JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file
[ROOT][TMP]/install_659c70a361aac/packages/install_659c70a36b066/images/visforms/background_gray.jpg to

Can you please check the write protection for the following file and remove the write protection if necessary:

You may have used the wrong log file.
Maybe only the beginning of the correct log file can be seen here in the post.

Can you send me the correct and complete log file to our forum email address: forum(--at--)

With the installations of version 4.4.1 sent and the extended logging included, we will be able to find and fix the error.

Kind regards, Ingmar

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).
Letzte Änderung: 11 Monate 1 Woche her von Administrator IV.

Moderatoren: Administrator AVAdministrator IV
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