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invalid token in joomla 2.5

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #524 von reales
invalid token in joomla 2.5 wurde erstellt von reales

I made a form for one of my websites that logs the name and email address of who ever fills in the form.

I keep getting a page that says "invalid token" when I hit the submit button.

Any ideas on what might be happening?


R. Eales

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #525 von Administrator AV
Administrator AV antwortete auf invalid token in joomla 2.5
Hi reales,

could you give me a link to the form?


:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #530 von reales
reales antwortete auf invalid token in joomla 2.5

Sure ... here is the link to the page where the contact form is

the form is at the bottom of the page.


R Eales

10 Jahre 8 Monate her #531 von Administrator AV
Administrator AV antwortete auf invalid token in joomla 2.5
Hi R. Eales,

thanks for the link.

I think there is a problem with the search engine friendly (SEF) URLs on your Joomla! installation. After submitting the form the URL is which is totally wrong and causes the "Invalid token" message in last consequence.

The correct Url would be

I don't know what exactly is wrong, but I don't think that the problem lies with visforms itself (because that problem has not been reported before and there are hundreds of installations of Visforms out there).

I think there is a problem with your SEF setting or maybe some settings in a .htaccess file or maybe the Joomla! installation itself or an thirdparty SEF extension which you might use. Sometimes there are old file from previous Joomla! version which are not deleted properly when you update your Joomla! installation.

I hope you can find a solutions which you can share here.

Kind Regards,

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: reales

8 Jahre 7 Monate her #3041 von mrentropy
mrentropy antwortete auf invalid token in joomla 2.5
I am having the same problem in Joomla 3. It appears to mostly affect Firefox.

You mentioned URL-rewriting is probably the culprit. Does anything look incorrect to you? It still seems to submit half the time, but this error appears intermittently.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rule name="Joomla! Rule 1" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^(.*)$" ignoreCase="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny">
<add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="base64_encode[^(]*\([^)]*\)" ignoreCase="false" />
<add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="(>|%3C)([^s]*s)+cript.*(&lt;|%3E)" />
<add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})" ignoreCase="false" />
<add input="{QUERY_STRING}" pattern="_REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2})" ignoreCase="false" />
<action type="CustomResponse" url="index.php" statusCode="403" statusReason="Forbidden" statusDescription="Forbidden" />
<rule name="Joomla! Rule 2">
<match url="(.*)" ignoreCase="false" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{URL}" pattern="^/index.php" ignoreCase="true" negate="true" />
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" ignoreCase="false" negate="true" />
<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" ignoreCase="false" negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="index.php" />

8 Jahre 7 Monate her #3042 von Administrator AV
Administrator AV antwortete auf invalid token in joomla 2.5

thanks for searching the forum in order to find an answer to your problem!

I have implemented lots of new feature and refactored the Visforms code intensively since the time this post was initially written My answer 2 years ago, was specifically for the link, provided in the post.

Therefore I think, there could be other reason for this error message on your website, too.
(Luckily) this sort of problem has still not been reported often. Which leads me to the assumption, that it is a problem of the individual configuration of your website and the extensions you use. But sadly I have no idea where it may come from.

Please make sure, that you have the latest stable Visforms Version.
If I would try to debug this problem I would start with setting up a simple test case.
This would be to display the form via a menu item and to disable all non Joomla! Core Plugins and Modules.
Have you tried without these rewrite rules?


:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

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