Hello jameschoi,
you read the wrong section in the documentation (form data --> in the frontend).
The section in the documentation that you linked describes the different order of the fields in the data view.
The order of the fields in the data view actually has to be activated in the menu configuration first.
This is a separate menu type, specifically for displaying the data in the frontend, which has this setting.
This order is not the order of the fields in the displayed form.
The screenshot shows the menu configuration for displaying the form, which is different from displaying the data.
The setting for displaying the data does not exist here.
To change the order of the fields in the displayed form, you have to go to the field list of the form.
The process is also described in the documentation (fields --> change of field order).
Change of field order:
Sorting in ascending order:
Quote: This setting displays sorting based on the order of the fields in the form.
Kind regards, Ingmar