I did some research on this and I was wondering, which Visforms version you are using.
In the current Version 3.8.16, errors from the createItemsObjFromString function are caught in the javascript, so that you would get an more readable error message when you press the "save" button in the form where you edit the select option.
Nevertheless I found out, that obviously the JSON.stringify function used by my browser, does not throw this error at all. So what browser do you use?
Further on, if i try to store the field to the database (Save button in the task line), I get an php error. In order to get rid of this php error I have to modify the visfield.xml file in administrator/components/com_visforms/models/forms.
There is a
<field name="f_radio_list_hidden" type="itemlistcreator" id="f_radio_list_hidden" default="" label="COM_VISFORMS_CHECKBOX_LIST"
at line 570
which has to be changed into
<field name="f_radio_list_hidden" type="itemlistcreator" id="f_radio_list_hidden" default="" label="COM_VISFORMS_CHECKBOX_LIST"
description="COM_VISFORMS_RADIO_LIST_DESC" filter="raw" />
So you have to add the filter="raw"
The same with
<field name="f_select_list_hidden" type="itemlistcreator" id="f_select_list_hidden" label="COM_VISFORMS_CHECKBOX_LIST"
description="COM_VISFORMS_LISTBOX_LIST_DESC" default="" filter="raw" />
alt line 608 and with
<field name="f_multicheckbox_list_hidden" type="itemlistcreator" id="f_multicheckbox_list_hidden" default="" label="COM_VISFORMS_CHECKBOX_LIST"
description="COM_VISFORMS_CHECKBOX_LIST_DESC" filter="raw" />
at line 652
These changes will be merged into the next Visforms Version, but the Javascript error which you get and which I cannot reproduce, still needs fixing. Hopefully I can do that, when I get more information from you.