thank you so much for making so many suggestions on how Visforms might be improved. I really appriciate your efforts! It is always important to know what Visforms users would find helpful and which features they are missing. I create a feature request list from those suggestions. I continiously try to improve old features and develop new one*s and it is from this feature request list, from which I select the new features.
As Visforms is already a really advanced form solution, many of the features that are relatively easy to implement and many of the features that are really great, often requested features with a wide range of use, are already available in Visforms. On my way I have made some decisions on what is the focus of Visforms. For example, that I do not "lock" fields once they are created (like the Joomla! Custom Fields which came with Joomla! 3.7). So you can always delete fields (with only the miminum amount of restrictions), you can change the field type "on the fly".... This has some impact on what I can do with the fields or what amount of validation in the code is required, when I use fields in a certain way.
What I want to say is, that some requested features, although certainly very interesting, do not fit well with Visforms as it is and their development would be overly difficult or time consuming. Especially the SQL-field was requested in the past but I do not have a solutions for this yet as well as for a better management of Countries, States and City hierachy in conditional fields.
As I cannot tell immediately which of your suggestions are easy to implement and which do not fit so well with Visforms, I will put all your suggestions on the feature request list and take a look later, what I can/will implement and what not.
Kind Regards,