Hi Cees,
thanks for your patience!
This morning, I took the time to go through the code that creates mails.
Basically the work flow is as follows.
Visforms gathers the information which are required to send a mail, but the mailing itself is done by the Joomla! phpmailer class, which itself passes the task to the mailer, which you have selected in the global configuration of your Joomla! installation (php Mailer, sendmail or SMTP). This mailer tries to send the mail and returns the information whether or not it was successful. This information goes back the whole way and the Joomla! phpmailer class throws the Error "Could not instantiate mail function", if the return from the mailer was "not successful".
Beside the settings, which you make in Visforms and in the global configuration of your Joomla! installation, there are also settings involved of the php.ini and of the mailers themselve. For example something like "safe_mode" and "mbstring.func_overload" settings (in php.ini). So there are a lot of parties involved in the process which can mess up.
In my experience the "could not instantiate mail function" errors is usually thrown, because, after all the processing of the information through the different instances, the mail from address is missing, in the final stage where the mailer tries to send the mail. But there can of course be other problems with the provided information, which can cause the mailer to break. I think, you should try to get more information about what actually causes the mailer to break. I think you should ask the provider, whether they can supply you with that information.
With regards to the result mail, Visforms uses an email address, which you enter in the frontend in a form field of type email only for one purpose. It is set as "reply to" address in the mail. It is not used as mail from or anything like that. The mail from address and the mail from name come from the email configuration of the form. Why a reply to address with HOTMAIL causes problems and a reply to with KPN not, I do not understand and again, I do not think that it is Visforms that is responisble for this problem in the first place.
The differences between a form with a file upload field an one without such a field are, with regards to the mails, as follows.
Only if the form has fields of type file upload and only if there was actually a file uploaded, Visforms tries to do things with the data from this fields. Only then, it tries to add attachments to the mail (according to the settings in the Visforms result mail configuration) and only then, links to the file are included in the mail body (according to the settings in the field configuration an the form result mail configuration).
I cannot see a fault in how Visforms handles file upload fields with the result mail. Therefore I can only conclude, that the problem is located somewhere else in configuration settings which have nothing to do with Visforms.
With regards to your question, why the smtp mailer does not use the mail from address and mail from name set in the Visforms configuration or the global configuration. Could it be possible, that this is a setting of your smtp mailer account?
I'm sorry, that I do not have an easy solution for your problem. I hope, that giving you the detailed information about the work flow of the mailing here, might help you, to find a solution.