after Joomla 4 was finally released and after spending the last month finalizing Visforms for Joomla 4, I think this is a good time to address this issue.
I'm not really an expert on the topic of accessibility but I did some research, in order to find a good solution which can be implemented smoothly.
As far as I have learned, there are different ways to approach the subject.
I guess the following article
lists good solutions.
With regards to how the search tools are implemented, it would be the easiest approach to use the first solution. Add a label with a "for" attribute to each listbox.
The label would then be visually hidden, using css.
For example for the "Ordering" select in the frontend data view this would then look like this (All texts will be set according to the websites language, so in my case they are in German).
<label id="filter_com_visforms_visformsdata_111_2_vfsortordering-lbl" for="filter_com_visforms_visformsdata_111_2_vfsortordering" class="visually-hidden sr-only uk-invisible hasPopover" title="" data-content="COM_VISFORMS_LIST_FULL_ORDERING_DESC" data-original-title="Daten sortieren nach">
<select id="filter_com_visforms_visformsdata_111_2_vfsortordering" name="filter[com_visforms_visformsdata_111_2_vfsortordering]" class="btn" onchange="vttableFullOrderingcom_visforms_visformsdata_111_2_(this);">
As I mentioned before, the label itself would not be visible, because it is hidden using css.
Do you think, this would suffice, and solve the problem?