Hello zegenrijk,
Thank you for the PHP call stack.
That has helped us a lot.
The error is caused by an incorrect translation text in the Dutch language: COM_VISFORMS_OPTION_TOGGLES_DISPLAY.
I assume that you have Dutch set.
P1 - The English translation in the file:
says in the following line 498:
COM_VISFORMS_OPTION_TOGGLES_DISPLAY="Notice: You deleted an option from the option list of field \"%s\" which was used to toggle the display of the field \"%s\". The conditional settings in the depending field were corrected by automatic action."
P2 - The Dutch translation in the file:
says in the following line 499:
COM_VISFORMS_OPTION_TOGGLES_DISPLAY="Notitie: U heft het item met id \"%s\" in the option lijst van het veld \"%s\" verwijderd. Deze option was used om de weegave van het veld \"%s\" te verwisselen . As a deze optie de some optie was om de weergave van het afhankelijke veld te wisselen, dan wordt dit veld nooit meer gotoond."
Correct: P1 contains the expression \"%s\" twice.
Wrong: In P2 there are 3 expressions \"%s\".
Therefore, P2 leads to the runtime error when called:
4 - 3 = 1 missing parameter.
You are obviously the first exquisite user to see this language string since the Dutch translation was last changed.
Questions and requests to you:
Q1 - Can you correct the Dutch translation to match the English in spirit and number (\"%s\")?
Q2 - Can you transfer the new translation from Q1 to the following file in your backend?
file = administrator/language/nl-NL/com_visforms.ini
Q3 - Does the error persist?
Q4 - Can you provide us the new translation from Q1 here?
We would then update and exchange the download package for the Dutch translation (visforms-language-nl-NL_j4.zip) as well.
Kind regards, Ingmar