Hi Irene,
I just tried the form and I didn't see any message at all. So I think the nonumber modal plugin is still disabled.
Visforms gives you three different options on how to create result "messages".
First you do nothing and the default message is displayed. The code that achives this is quite simple.
It consists of two line
$msg = JText::sprintf('COM_VISFORMS_FORM_SEND_SUCCESS', 1);
$this->setRedirect(JURI::base(), $msg);
Maybe you can ask the developer of the plugin, why the message, create by this code, acts in the way you have described, because I don't know the plugin and I think, it is the plugins doing that causes the behaviour.
Second posibility to create a result "message".
You can use the texteditor "result message" in the form configurations result tab.
If you enter a text in this texteditor, Visforms will not create a message in the way described above, but will display the text just like the text of an article in an separate result page. I think this would prevent the plugin from capturing the message and allow you to just display the information for your users on a normal page.
Third posibility to create a result "message".
You can use the redirect url parameter in the form configurations result tab to redirect to any page (i.e. an article) after successful form submit. This would although prevent the plugin from capturing the "message". If you set a redirect url a text entered in the "result message" text editor will be ignored as well as the default result message.
I hope these informations will allow you to find a solution!
By the way, very nice website. Sadly I do not really understand, what you offer, but the pictures are inviting and the title sounds promising even without kwonledge of the Dutch language.
Kind Regards,