Joomla 5 Mitteilung

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Es gibt nun auch eine eigenständige Dokumentation für Visforms für Joomla 4 und für Visforms auf Joomla 5


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Is this possible with Visform ?

1 Monat 3 Wochen her #11122 von mdube
Is this possible with Visform ? wurde erstellt von mdube
I'm using a simple idea here to find out if it's possible to do it with Visform and, if so, how to go about it. I've read all the documentation (URL parameters etc...) and I can't see how I could do it. My English isn't very good. Long live DeepL!

So here goes: Let's say I have a form (form #1) that allows me to ask questions, just like with a simple blog/comments or ordinary Q&A application. I can easily, with Visform, display these questions in a list so that they are editable by the user who has the permissions. No problems so far.

I would now like to allow users to answer one of the questions asked via another form (form #2) and have their answers displayed under that same question when it is selected. I could do this by adding a module to the selected question (details view) that displays the list of answers. 

But how do I link the answers to the right question?

In other words, how do I get the id of the question, and follow it up in form #2 (the answer), so that I can display the right answers under the right questions? 

I'm looking for an application that can do this kind of operations without any problems. Is this possible with Visform?

Thank you!


P.S.: PHP version 8.3, last Joomla and Visform Subs.

1 Monat 3 Wochen her #11125 von mdube
mdube antwortete auf Is this possible with Visform ?
ChatGPT gave me the answer.

Sorry !
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Administrator IV

1 Monat 3 Wochen her #11126 von Administrator IV
Administrator IV antwortete auf Is this possible with Visform ?
Hello Michel,

no problem!

I was preparing a somewhat longer answer for you.
ChatGPT has given you an answer in the meantime, which is great.
So ChatGPT was now faster than me.

May I ask what answer you got from ChatGPT exactly?
And also what your input to ChatGPT was?

Best regards, Ingmar

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

1 Monat 3 Wochen her #11127 von mdube
mdube antwortete auf Is this possible with Visform ?
Hi Ingmar,

The prompt I used is about the same I submit here.

I got a better understanding of the process but I didn't check if it works yet. The ChatGPT answer was :🛠 Steps to Link a Question Form to a Response Form in Visforms🔹 Step 1: Create the Question Form
  1. Go to Joomla AdminComponentsVisforms.
  2. Create a new form and name it
  3. Add these fields:
    • Code:
      (automatically managed by Visforms)
    • Question Title (Type: "Text")
    • Question Content (Type: "Textarea")
    • User (optional) (Type: "Joomla User")
  4. Save the form.
🔹 Step 2: Create the Response Form
  1. In Visforms, create a second form called
  2. Add these fields:
    • Response (Type: "Textarea")
    • Question ID (hidden field) (Type: "Text")
    • User (optional) (Type: "Joomla User")
  3. Save.
🔹 Step 3: Add a "Reply" Link to Each Question
  1. Go to the "Questions" formSubmission List.
  2. Add a column with a "Reply" button that opens the response form with the question ID in the URL.
  3. Create a custom link in a module or menu:
    • Replace
      with the ID of your response form.
    • Code:
      will be automatically replaced with the question ID.
🔹 Step 4: Retrieve the Question ID in the Response Form
  1. Go to the "Responses" form → Modify the Question ID field.
  2. Set its default value:
    • In "Default Value", put:
    • Enable the "Read Only" option (to prevent users from modifying the ID).
  3. Save.
🔹 Step 5: Display Responses Under Each Question
  • Method 1: Use the Visforms Submission List
    • Create a filtered list view in Visforms to show the responses linked to the question.
    • Add a filter on the
      field to show only the responses for the current question.
  • Method 2: Add a Custom Module
    • Use a Joomla Custom Module with a little PHP to fetch and display the responses under the question.
Final Result✔ Users can ask questions with Form #1.
✔ By clicking "Reply", they are redirected to Form #2 with the question ID.
Responses are saved with the correct question ID and displayed under each question.

1 Monat 2 Wochen her - 1 Monat 2 Wochen her #11139 von Administrator IV
Administrator IV antwortete auf Is this possible with Visform ?
Hello Michel,

Many thanks for the information on input and response from ChatGPT.

Unfortunately, the answer given does not work.
On the one hand, the step-by-step presentation of the solution reads convincingly and is easy to understand.
On the other hand, various steps cannot be carried out in this way.
The solution is unfortunately wrong.

In fact, your plan cannot yet be implemented with the current Visforms version.
However, we ourselves find your plan exciting, sensible and generally valid.

We therefore want to enable the following:

- You use the 'Content Plugin - Visforms Data' to integrate a module into the detailed view of the form data of form A.
- The module lists the form data of form B.
- In the module for displaying the data list of form B, the plugin parameter string is configured with the data filter 'fieldselect'.
- The data filter 'fieldselect' filters the data list of form B using the data record ID of the detail data record of form A.
- The data record ID of the detail data record of form A is represented in the plugin parameter string by the Visforms parameter ${id}.
- The Visforms parameter ${id} in the plugin parameter string is replaced at runtime.

Everything works except for the very last step of actually replacing the Visforms parameter ${id}.

The result could then look something like this.
The 'person' corresponds to your 'question'.
The 'cars' correspond to your 'answers'.

Here is an example of the detail view of a person with first name, last name and company (form A).
Below is a module with the 'Content Plugin - Visforms Data'.
In the module, the plugin shows all the cars that have been assigned to the person (form B).

Example of the detail view having a module using the 'Content Plugin - Visforms Data':

I have created an issue for development in the wish list:
Issue [VF-1345] Forum: Plugin Data-View: Add general Visforms parameter replacement

The issue has already been implemented and will be included in the next release 5.4.0.
When we release the new feature, you will be explicitly informed about the release here in the topic.
Thank you again for your suggestion!

Best regards, Ingmar

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).
Letzte Änderung: 1 Monat 2 Wochen her von Administrator IV.

1 Monat 2 Wochen her #11142 von mdube
mdube antwortete auf Is this possible with Visform ?
I finally could not implement this too, but I'm happy to see that a solution is on the way.

I've got to work on another project so I'll wait the next version.

Thanks Ingmar.

Moderatoren: Administrator AVAdministrator IV
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