Administrator schrieb: Hi Stefano,
I did not misunderstand.
I really think, that an administrator should be able to figure this out.
The Visforms Subscirption is a package installation.
It installs all "extension" which are bundled in the package at once.
I already wrote you this in the mail which was send, before you started this thread, here.
You already have installed the subscription.
Hi Aicha,
I don't think this is the correct attitude against your customers, so I do not reply to the above points.
Administrator schrieb: There is no need to poke into zip files in the subscription installation package or wonder about file names there.
I'm not "poke" into the zip file, I listed the content here for extra-check that that we are talk about the same file.
Administrator schrieb: Everything is in place.
You are already using the content plugin visforms form view (the form is displayed inside the article at the place where you entered the plugin code)!
So you have activated it (which means, that you have already found it, once, in the Joomla! administration).
Yes Aicha I found the plugin (Visforms form) as usual
Administrator schrieb: It is the content plugin Visforms form. (The name is translated an my be different, depending on the selected administration language.)
Good to know that the "name is transated", if I had this info before I do not poke into the zip file.
So the point now is that, as I can say, I did all the checks you ask me, and for the last one (the order of the plugin) I think it's ok becouse I test the configuration with the Jooma standard Template Beez3, that do not call any plugins and the problem still here.
So what is the conclusion? Why this time the Visforms do not work?
thank you
have a nice day