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conditions into form ; download ; multipage form

11 Jahre 4 Monate her #210 von Paulj

I have discovered Visforms this week-end and I find it quite useful and efficient. However, I have a few questions on things I still have not found how to do :

1-How is it possible to download data using CSV format ?

2-How can I reset data within a form (I mean the rows created by users)

3-Since I have a lot of data to enter, I have organized them onto several pages, each page is conditionned by another. The trick I use is that at the end of a form (result section), I asked the user where he wants to go, (if... click here, if not click here), each "click here" sends him to a new form. In fact I have a total of 5 forms for only ONE "paper form". It works, however, it's not that easy to have a link between the different rows in the different forms. I use the USERNAME, but some user have no USERNAME yet. I use the IP, but is this sufficient ? is there another mean more "direct" ?

4-my form is a subscription form and fees are selected on each page for diffrerent options. Is it possible to have a SUM calculated ? I think to use a PAYPAL "cart", but is there another mean ?

So far I have not seen such options in the sw, and no answer in the forum. Can you help ?



11 Jahre 4 Monate her #211 von Administrator AV
Administrator AV antwortete auf Re:conditions into form ; download ; multipage form
Hi Paul,

1 -There is an "export" Button (top right) in the Data-View. (Click "Display Data" in the main visforms form view of the form in question to go to the data view).
2 - You can create a "Reset" Button. It's a field, type = button. Then you can choose between Submit and Reset in a Listbox.
3 - I'm quite impressed what you achieved so far. It's an interesting solution. The IP is not an ideal link field but it's not so bad at all. For now there is no more direct way to connect the forms, I'm afraid. But I think, I will make it possible - in future versions - to pass parameters with the post and make it possible to link forms in some way.
4 - Sorry, that's not possible for now and I don't think I will implement a Sum calculation. It's something totally different from a generic HTML Form Generator, what visForms is.

Kind Regards and good luck,

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

11 Jahre 4 Monate her #212 von Paulj
1-Great, that's a link I had not tried yet !!
2-I was thinking to a dataset erasement, but answer 1 = answer 2 :-)
3-OK, so I go on with IP + login
4-yes you're right, I'll try with Paypal

A possible enhancement would be conditions on fields (eg : if field1=true, then dispaly field2 else display field3)

Thanks for your answers and tool, it's handy.


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