Joomla 5 Mitteilung

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass seit dem 29. Januar 2024 alle unsere Joomla Erweiterungen mit Joomla 5 kompatible sind.

Für alle die gerade noch von Joomla 3 auf 4 aktualisieren: Anleitungen für die Joomla 4 Migration gibt es hier:

Es gibt nun auch eine eigenständige Dokumentation für Visforms für Joomla 4 und für Visforms auf Joomla 5


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Excluding Links from a message

11 Jahre 4 Monate her #228 von bobmoz
Excluding Links from a message wurde erstellt von bobmoz

Hope that you can help; I run a website for our local Church and use Visforms for users to submit a 'Prayer Request'. to our Vicar.

It's a simple form, and works well, but some spammers have submitted a questionable link within the prayer - a link which has been blacklisted.

I know that answer to this will probably be 'No' but is there any way that that I can prevent users uploading links into a field? I have set the value to both Text Area and Text, but links are still included.

Any ideas would be much appreciated



11 Jahre 4 Monate her #229 von Administrator AV
Administrator AV antwortete auf Re:Excluding Links from a message
Hi Bob,

if the form is submitted by a real spammer you might be able to block at least some out by using the visforms plugin spambotcheck (which comes with the installation package). Go to the plugin manager. Select Type "Visforms" and enable the plguin "Visforms Spambotcheck". Then open the plugin in set the parameters Check IP and Check e-mail to yes (later one only if form has a field with name "email"). Enable ",, DNS and Dns

Then go to your form and enable the form parameter "Use plugin Spambotcheck" in the "Advanced" Tab.

If the questionable link is posted in a textarea and you use the tinymce Editor I think you could try to use the "Prohibited Elements" Parameter of the Editor. (You can configure the Editor in Plugin Manager. It's the "TinyMCE" plugin of Type Editor). Add "a" to the parameter Prohibited Elements. I don't know if this really works, but you could give it a try.

Kind Regards,

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

11 Jahre 4 Monate her #232 von bobmoz
bobmoz antwortete auf Re:Excluding Links from a message
Hi Aicha,

Thanks very mich for your help - really appreciated. I've done what you recommend - hope it stops the spammers.

Thanks once again

Kind Regards


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