I took a look into the administration of your website in order to better understand your configuration and the problem. Sadly the connection to your server is very instable (from Germany) and the connection often broke, so that it was difficult for my to test and figure it out. But there is one thing, which I noted immediately which I think might be the source of your problem.
Each user Group has a "Group Parent". The "Group Parent" of your "aia Manger" user group is set to administrator. But the user group "Administrator" does not have any data edit permissions on your form and fields. I think, that the "aia Manager" Group is actually not able to edit any data at all, because of that parent (as I wrote in the documentation "denied" tops "allowed") and as the group parents (Administrator) permission is "denied" (for the "Edit Data" and the "Edit Own Data" action) the manager inherits those denied permisions as default.
With regards to the edit views in the frontend it is only the Actions "Edit Data" and "Edit Own Data" that are of interest, not the Action "Edit". So with "Edit Own Data" you allow the user to edit their own data and with "Edit Data" you allow them to edit all data.
I have tested a bit with the frontend of your website, too, and found out, that it does not make a difference which field type the "Edit Only Field" has (radio or text). It does not work as expected on your system.
Therefore I tried to set up a test case on a local installation where I hoped I could reproduce your problem.
I create a form with one field, that is displayed when the form is filled for the first time (in the form view), two edit only fields (one of type radio one of type text) and a submit button.
I added a user to the default "Registered" user group and a user to the default "Manager" user group. (The difference between my "Manager Group" and your "Manager Group" is, that the Group Parent of my "Manager Group" is "Public", whereas yours is "Administrator")
In the form configuration I set the following permissions
Registered: Edit Own: allowed. All other permissions are intherited and evaluate to "Not Allowed"
Manager: Edit Data: allowed; Edit own data: allowed. All other permissions are inherited and evaluate partly to allowed, partly to "Not allowed" which actually doesn't matter, because they are not used in the frontend edit views.
In the field configuration I made the following settings.
- Normal form field
Registered: all "Inherited" which evaluate to allowed for edit own data and to not allowed for all other actions
Manager: edit data: denied; all other inherited which evaluates to "Allowed"
- Both edit only fields
Registered: Edit own data: denied; all other actions are "inherited" and evaluate to "Not allowed"
Manager: All set to inherited which evaluate to "Allowed" (On your Website the "inherited" evaluate to "Not allowed for some actions, which I think indicate, that your Manager user groups starts with different permission as default, which may be the result of the different Group Parent as described above).
I display the submitted user inputs (data) in the frontend with a menu item of type "Data view with edit link"
I submitted the form when I was logged in as the user with group registered and when I was logged in as user with group manager.
I went to the menu item that displayes the data with the edit link. When I'm logged in as user with group registered, I can only see my own submission. When I open the submission for editing (click on the icon) I can see both edit only fields but cannot edit the values (radio and text fields). When I'm logged in as user with group manager, I can see all submissions. When I open a submission in the edit view I can change the value of both edit only field (radio and text). This works for my own submissions (as manager) as well as for the submissions of the user from the group "Registered".
So actually, everything on my test installation works as expected. I suspect, that the main problem with your website lies with the user group configuration of the manager group as described above and that the managers inherits the wrong permissions.