here is my report
1. Editing result mail with TinyMCE
It works fine. Many restrictions though. As usual in HTML emails, you have to use <table> tags to define the layout properly. The CSS styles must be inline, but it's ok, it's usual with HTML emails.
The main restriction to me is that the email produced by Visforms gives you no access to '<head></head' and '<body></body>' tags of the HTML email. In order to give them classes, I can't use Tiny MCE so I tried another way...
2. Overriding php file
I found that the result mail was defined by a Php file called default.php in 'components/com_visforms/lib/mail/adapter/'. I overrided it this way:
- introducing a var $header='<head><style>insert CSS here</style></head>'; in function result();
- around line 77, I changed the following lines
if (isset($emailsettings)) {
$this->resultmailsettings = $header . '<body>' . $emailsettings . '</body>';
- i tested it and it works!
3. IT IS NOT A PROPER JOOMLA OVERRIDE, I know that. Using this method, I will loose my override when upgrading visForms (probably).
So, here are my questions:
- is it possible to add this functionnality to further versions of visForms?
- will upgrade still work in the future if I choose to lock the modified file online (with FileZilla).
Thanks for your answer and your work.