Hello mimimike64,
If the Send button is disabled, you have a JavaScript error on the page.
This behavior is intentional.
Submit button is disabled:
I have looked at your page and now know what is causing the JavaScript error on your page.
In your case, the cause is an error in the French language file of Visforms.
You now have 3 options to fix the error.
The JavaScript will then no longer display an error in the web browser developer tools.
The Send button should then be activated and work as usual.
Option 1:
In the file
change these two lines:
Line 134: COM_VISFORMS_JS_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE="Le fichier est trop gros. Taille maximale autorisée \"%s\" kb."
Line 143: COM_VISFORMS_ENTER_VALID_DATE_FORMAT="Entrez une date correcte. Format: \"%s\"."
into the following two:
Line 134: COM_VISFORMS_JS_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE="Le fichier est trop gros. Taille maximale autorisée %s kb."
Line 143: COM_VISFORMS_ENTER_VALID_DATE_FORMAT="Entrez une date correcte. Format: %s."
Option 2:
Use the Joomla Language Manager to create the following two overrides:
COM_VISFORMS_JS_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE="Le fichier est trop gros. Taille maximale autorisée %s kb."
COM_VISFORMS_ENTER_VALID_DATE_FORMAT="Entrez une date correcte. Format: %s."
Option 3:
Use the quick fix from my next post (coming soon).
We receive the translations from other Visforms users free of charge.
We would also like to point out that we cannot guarantee that they are completely correct and work without errors.
We cannot check and test this ourselves due to the high level of effort involved.
We will also make the above change available for download in the original file shortly.
Kind regards, Ingmar