Hello Jeroen,
I have just performed an extension update on the productive side twice.
Attempt 1:
The problem still existed, but only for the URL:
The problem no longer existed for the URL:
Attempt 2:
The problem still existed, now for both URLs.
Logs on our update server:
The access log of our update server shows no request from the productive side.
Could you set up an FTP access with write permissions for the productive side for me (URL and login information via e-mail)?
I would like to use a small PHP script
- to check from your server in your web space
- outside of Joomla and without Joomla
- whether our update server can be reached from there.
The small PHP script runs a PHP variant of the popular command line tool 'ping'.
The command line tool 'ping' measures the response time of the addressed server.
Best regards, Ingmar