Joomla 5 Mitteilung

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass seit dem 29. Januar 2024 alle unsere Joomla Erweiterungen mit Joomla 5 kompatible sind.

Für alle die gerade noch von Joomla 3 auf 4 aktualisieren: Anleitungen für die Joomla 4 Migration gibt es hier:

Es gibt nun auch eine eigenständige Dokumentation für Visforms für Joomla 4 und für Visforms auf Joomla 5


Visforms Subscription Inhaber können in unserem Forum Fragen stellen. Bitte mit dem entsprechenden Benutzer anmelden.
Jeder kann lesend auf das Forum zugreifen.

Bitte stellen Sie nur 1 Frage pro Thema.

Wichtige Angaben für fast jede Frage:
V1: Welche Visforms-Version läuft?
V2: Welche Joomla-Version läuft?
V3: Welche PHP-Version läuft?

Update sites can not be reached

1 Monat 1 Tag her #11235 von ScoutingAlphen
ScoutingAlphen antwortete auf Update sites can not be reached
Hello Ingmar,

Thank you for the time and reply. The joomla_update.php only shows the status of the joomla update (which seems logic).
The file visforms_update.php does show some things however that is from an older date...

#<?php die('Forbidden.'); ?>
#Date: 2025-02-13 07:08:53 UTC
#Software: Joomla! 5.2.3 Stable [ Uthabiti ] 7-January-2025 16:00 GMT

#Fields: priority    message
INFO    ************ package installation: visforms ( 2025-02-13 07:08:53 ) ************
INFO    Joomla 5.2.3
INFO    PHP    8.1.29 (WINNT) 
INFO    running in: [ROOT]|tmp|install_67ad9a8505343
INFO    ****** script file loaded: base package - administrator/manifests/packages/vfbase/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    tested write access to filesystem in install directory: possible
INFO    *** start install of extension pkg_vfbase 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:08:53 ***
INFO    PDF fonts not installed
INFO    PHP directive 'allow_url_fopen' set to: 1
INFO    PDF fonts can be installed due to PHP settings
INFO    end preflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: com_visforms component ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    trying to get last compatible version sequence
INFO    unable to get last compatible version sequence from db: Table '51770_joomla_5.sa_visforms_lowest_compat_version' doesn't exist
INFO    unable to load form list from database: Table '51770_joomla_5.sa_visforms' doesn't exist
INFO    *** start install of extension visforms 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:08:55 ***
INFO    *** start Install: 2025-02-13 07:08:55 ***
INFO    version is: 5.3.1
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    *** trying to create folders ***
INFO    folder successfully created: [ROOT]/images/visforms
INFO    file successfully copied: [ROOT]\images\visforms\index.html
INFO    trying to set lowest compatible version sequence.
INFO    trying to get last compatible version sequence
INFO    *** trying to add params to table: #__menu ***
INFO    1 recordsets to process
INFO    params successfully added
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: spambotcheck package - plugins/visforms/spambotcheck/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_spambotcheck 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:09:03 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start install
INFO    end install
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    extension successfully enabled
INFO    extension successfully enabled
INFO    extension successfully enabled
INFO    install of pkg_vfbase successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ************ package installation: visforms subscription ( 2025-02-13 07:22:22 ) ************
INFO    Joomla 5.2.3
INFO    PHP    8.1.29 (WINNT) 
INFO    running in: [ROOT]|tmp|install_67ad9dae966b4
INFO    ****** script file loaded: subscription package - administrator/manifests/packages/vfsubscription/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    tested write access to filesystem in install directory: possible
INFO    *** start install of extension pkg_visforms_subscription 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:22 ***
INFO    PDF fonts not installed
INFO    PHP directive 'allow_url_fopen' set to: 1
INFO    PDF fonts can be installed due to PHP settings
INFO    *** trying to install pdf fonts ***
WARNING    message: fopen( ): Failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
WARNING       file: [ROOT]\tmp\install_67ad9dae966b4\script.php, line: 659
INFO    unable to download fonts: function feof() returned false
INFO    end preflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfsubfiles package - administrator/manifests/files/vfsubsfiles/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension files_vfsubsfiles 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:44 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    Try to uninstall old subscription file extensions
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfcustommailadr package - plugins/visforms/vfcustommailadr/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_custom_mail_address 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:46 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfdataview - plugins/content/vfdataview/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_content_visforms_data 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:46 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfdelaydoubleregistration package - plugins/visforms/vfdelaydoubleregistration/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_delay_double_registration 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:47 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: formview - plugins/content/vfformview/script.php ******
INFO    start postflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_content_visforms_form 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:47 ***
INFO    end postflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfmailattachments package - plugins/visforms/vfmailattachments/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_mail_attachments 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:48 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfmaxsubmissions package - plugins/visforms/vfmaxsubmissions/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_max_submissions 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:48 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: datadelete package - plugins/system/visformsdatadelete/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_system_delete_visforms_data 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:49 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vfautodeletedata package - plugins/visforms/vfautodeletedata/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_auto_delete_data 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:49 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    ****** script file loaded: vffrontendwebassets package - plugins/visforms/vffrontendwebassets/script.php ******
INFO    start preflight
INFO    *** start install of extension plg_visforms_vffrontendwebassets 5.3.1: 2025-02-13 07:22:51 ***
INFO    end preflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    install successful
INFO    end postflight
INFO    start postflight
INFO    extension successfully enabled
INFO    extension successfully enabled
INFO    install of pkg_visforms_subscription successful
INFO    end postflight

Maybe this can help?
Mainwhile I will contact my provider with this info and see whether they can find something.

Best regards,

Best regards,

1 Monat 1 Tag her - 1 Monat 1 Tag her #11237 von Administrator IV
Administrator IV antwortete auf Update sites can not be reached
Hello Jeroen,

Thanks for the Joomla log file joomla_update.php.
The log file also shows warnings and errors.

There is a warning in it that also indicates a broken connection to the Internet.
It is important to know that our server has a very high availability and there are no similar problems.

I think the warning has the same cause as
- the unreachable update links and
- the non-validated reCAPTCHA.

INFO *** trying to install pdf fonts *** WARNING message: fopen( ): Failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond WARNING file: [ROOT]\tmp\install_67ad9dae966b4\script.php, line: 659 INFO unable to download fonts: function feof() returned false

Obviously, the important PDF fonts are now missing from a Joomla instance.
The next time Visforms is updated or the same version is reinstalled, an attempt will be made to install the PDF fonts automatically.

Or you can download them manually yourself and then copy them to the right place.
Pre-install the PDF fonts manually:

Best regards, Ingmar

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).
Letzte Änderung: 1 Monat 1 Tag her von Administrator IV.

1 Monat 1 Tag her #11239 von ScoutingAlphen
ScoutingAlphen antwortete auf Update sites can not be reached
Hello Ingmar,

The fonts folder is present and filled with all fonts:

So that should not be the problem...
I also contacted my provider and they claim they don't block sites like this, they actively provide and support Joomla. Also other update sites (like Akeeba) work without issues. Hopefully we can find a solution to this.

Best regards,

Best regards,

1 Monat 1 Tag her #11242 von yellowbird
yellowbird antwortete auf Update sites can not be reached
We have a similar issue here on a J3 site:
Joomla Updater says: Vfsubscription Package installed: 3.5.8, available: 3.5.9
Fehler beim Verbindungsaufbau zum Server: 403
Paketdownload fehlgeschlagen. Manuell von  herunterladen und installieren.

Click on the link:
The requested page can't be found.
If difficulties persist, please contact the website administrator and report the error below. 403 Access forbidden.

1 Monat 1 Tag her #11243 von yellowbird
yellowbird antwortete auf Update sites can not be reached
In this case the problem was a missing download ID. Once added, the update URI changes and the update works just find.
So this was basically a misleading error-message.
Sorry for wasting your time.

1 Monat 1 Tag her #11244 von Administrator IV
Administrator IV antwortete auf Update sites can not be reached
Hello yellowbird,

in your case the error has a different and known cause.
In your case it is an access protected with your download ID.

Your download ID is missing in the URL.
Unfortunately Joomla's error message cannot be influenced at this point.

The cause and solution to the error are described in the documentation.
HTTP Error 403 with no or invalid download-ID:

This topic is about access to the unprotected extension.xml files.
In your case access to the unprotected extension.xml files was successful.

Best regards, Ingmar

:idea: I recommend you the new and up-to-date documentation for Joomla 4:
Most of this also applies retrospectively to Joomla 3.
Please only ask 1 question per topic :-).

:idea: Ich empfehle Dir die neue und aktuelle Dokumentation für Joomla 4:
Das meiste gilt rückwirkend auch für Joomla 3.
Bitte immer nur 1 Frage pro Thema stellen :-).

Moderatoren: Administrator AVAdministrator IV
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