Hello Jeroen,
Thanks for the Joomla log file joomla_update.php.
The log file also shows warnings and errors.
There is a warning in it that also indicates a broken connection to the Internet.
It is important to know that our server has a very high availability and there are no similar problems.
I think the warning has the same cause as
- the unreachable update links and
- the non-validated reCAPTCHA.
INFO *** trying to install pdf fonts ***
message: fopen( vi-solutions.de/index.php?option=com_vis...er&linktype=pdffonts ):
Failed to open stream: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
file: [ROOT]\tmp\install_67ad9dae966b4\script.php, line: 659
INFO unable to download fonts: function feof() returned false
Obviously, the important PDF fonts are now missing from a Joomla instance.
The next time Visforms is updated or the same version is reinstalled, an attempt will be made to install the PDF fonts automatically.
Or you can download them manually yourself and then copy them to the right place.
Pre-install the PDF fonts manually:
Best regards, Ingmar