Hello Jeron,
There is only one place in Joomla where this error message is thrown.
This error message comes from
- the file: libraries/src/Updater/UpdateAdapter.php
- the function: protected function getUpdateSiteResponse
if ($response === null || $response->code !== 200) {
// If the URL is missing the .xml extension, try appending it and retry loading the update
if (!$this->appendExtension && (substr($url, -4) !== '.xml')) {
$options['append_extension'] = true;
return $this->getUpdateSiteResponse($options);
// Log the exact update site name and URL which could not be loaded
Log::add('Error opening url: ' . $url . ' for update site: ' . $this->updateSiteName, Log::WARNING, 'updater');
$app = Factory::getApplication();
html_entity_decode(Text::sprintf('JLIB_UPDATER_ERROR_OPEN_UPDATE_SITE', $this->updateSiteId, $this->updateSiteName, $url)),
return false;
There is a timeout of 20 seconds.
If nothing comes back after this second, then the message would also be displayed.
Question 1:
If you see the error message in the update manager, can you click on the links in the message and get to the extension.xml files?
As if you were clicking on these links at the top of your post?
Question 2:
Can you attach a screenshot?
Question 3:
Can you start the debugging and attach the report if there is one at all?
How to enable maximum debugging in Joomla Administration before recreating the error:
Dashboard --> Configuration, tab 'System', parameter 'Debug system' = 'Yes'
Dashboard --> Configuration, tab 'Server', parameter 'Report errors' = 'Maximum'
Kind regards, Ingmar