Joomla 5 Mitteilung

Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass seit dem 29. Januar 2024 alle unsere Joomla Erweiterungen mit Joomla 5 kompatible sind.

Für alle die gerade noch von Joomla 3 auf 4 aktualisieren: Anleitungen für die Joomla 4 Migration gibt es hier:

Es gibt nun auch eine eigenständige Dokumentation für Visforms für Joomla 4 und für Visforms auf Joomla 5

Visforms Release History

Please Note: If you have a running Visforms installation on your website which meets all your needs, it is not necessary to update Visforms unless the new release is marked as a security update (like 2.1.2 and 3.1.2 and 3.2.1) or you update your Joomla! installation and the current Visforms version is no longer compatible with the Joomla! version.

Please always make a backup of your Website before you update Visforms!. Please check our update instructions, German English

Visforms Base Package 5.1.1

Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: June 18 6, 2024

This is a bugfix release for 5.1.0. Please check out our release notes for 5.1.0 and the update instructions. Please always test the beta version thouroughly before using on a productive system.


  • Installation and deinstallation still need Plugin Backwards Compatibility
  • Inspector falsly shows missing files
  • Form Factory: Field type listbox of predefined fields in form templates is empty


  • Spambotcheck provider sorbs no longer available. Remove from code.

Visforms Base Package 5.0.5

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: June 18, 2024


  • Installation and deinstallation still need Plugin Backwards Compatibility
  • Inspector falsly shows missing files


  • Spambotcheck provider sorbs no longer available. Remove from code.

Visforms Base Package 5.0.4

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: June 17, 2024


  • Form Factory: Field type listbox of predefined fields in form templates is empty
  • Class 'visCustomText' is mission in Layout 'None'

Visforms Base Package 5.1.0

Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: June 13 6, 2024

This is a feature release with substantial new feature. Please check out our release notes. Please always test the beta version thouroughly before using on a productive system.
Release Notes 5.1.0 English
Release Notes 5.1.0 Deutsch

Please check also out our update instructions
Update Instruction English
Update Instruction Deutsch

New Feature

  • New option Label Icon Class: Allow to add an icon to the field label.
  • New option Add Honeypot Field: Allow to add a honeypot field to the form as additional spam-protection.
  • New option Display as list: Replace the placeholder of select-fields with values as option list.
  • Mail configuration: New Options Mail CC and Mail BCC for recipient Mail.
  • New field-type Phone.


  • Complete Review in regard to current WAI Standards (Web Accessibility Initiative).
  • Include visIcons CSS in all Frontend Data Views.
  • Add Support for tmpl Query parameter to all Links and Redirect URLs in Visforms Views.

Visforms Base Package 5.0.3

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: June 4, 2024

This is the first stable release of Visforms 5. Visforms 5 is the first Visforms version that is natively fully compatible with Joomla 5. In addition, numerous new features that were suggested in the forum have been implemented. Visforms 5.0.3 already had 3 previous versions that were available as beta versions and were tested by users. This means that bugs, which always arise during extensive code adjustments and feature developments, were found and fixed. So that Visforms 5.0.3 can now be released as a stable version.

In order to get a full overview of the changes and new feature, please check out our release notes for 5.0.1 and the update instructions.


  • Fix: Administration: Fields: Listbox Sort Order does not show selected order

Visforms Base Package 4.4.3

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, Joomla 5, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: June 4, 2024


  • Invalide Bootstrap html row > row

New Feature

  • Placeholder: Display Options as List


  • Improvements with regards to security

Visforms Base Package 5.0.2

Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: April 16, 2024

This is a bugfix release for 5.0.1. Please check out our release notes for 5.0.1 and the update instructions. Please always test the beta version thouroughly before using on a productive system.


  • Fix: php 8.2 Decpracted warning: Creation of dynamic property VisformsVisfieldRestrictUsedAsShowWhen::$type in administrator\components\com_visforms\lib\visfieldrestrict\...
  • Fix: Class not found "...\Administrator\Visfield\…"
  • Fix: 'Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout::getDispatcher()'
  • Fix: Invalid Bootstrap 5 HTML row > row
  • Fix: Context-Parameter value of onVisformsBeforeFormSaveAfterUpload was accidentally changed

Visforms Base Package 5.0.1

Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: March 6, 2024

This is a feature release with substantial new feature. Please check out our release notes. Please always test the beta version thouroughly before using on a productive system.
Release Notes 5.0.1 English
Release Notes 5.0.1 Deutsch

Please check also out our update instructions
Update Instruction English
Update InstructionDeutsch

New Feature

  • Administration: Views Fields, Data: Listbox to fast switch between forms
  • Administration: Views Forms, Fields, Data: Listbox to fast switch between the views
  • Administration: View Fields: Search Filter: Make filter ‘Field Type’ and ‘Frontend Display’ multiselect
  • Field Configuration: Add option ‘Readonly’ to all field types except the buttons
  • Form Configuration: Support use of Visforms placeholder in redirect url
  • Frontend: Form: Trigger content plugins on ‘From Processing Message’
  • Visforms Placeholder: Add a placeholder for formid


  • Visforms Placeholder: Add support for overhead placeholder to email texts and result text
  • Remove the dependency on the Joomla plugin 'Behaviour - Backward Compatiblity'
  • Complete refactoring of event management: Use Joomla Dispatcher and Event objects

Visforms Base Package 4.4.2

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, Joomla 5, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: March 5, 2024


  • Date field Administration: Date format change does not work properly

Visforms Base Package 5.0.0

Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 5, PHP 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: February 12, 2024

Please check out our release notes

Improvements/Code Refactoring

  • Complete code refactoring with regards to Joomla 5 code base
  • Remove the dependency on the Joomla plugin 'Behaviour - Backward Compatiblity'
  • Complete refactoring of event management: Use Joomla Dispatcher and Event objects


  • Fix: com_checkin falsy displays visforms and visfields records as 'checked out'.

New Feature

  • Allow to set an individual parameter 'maxtextlength' for all data from textarea fields in data view menu items
  • Allow to replace a placeholder for a checkbox field with the checkbox label
  • Inspector: Additional Feature

Removed Feature

  • Recaptcha Plugin was removed from Joomla core in Joomla 5. Therefore Recaptcha Plugin support in Visforms was also removed.

Visforms Base Package 4.4.1

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, Joomla 5, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: January 31, 2024

New Feature

  • Inspector: Display visforms installation log

Visforms Base Package 4.4.0

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, Joomla 5, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: October 31, 2023

New Feature

  • Joomla 5 Compatibility
  • Inspector: PHP and MySql system check


  • Fix some still existing PHP 8.2 deprecated warnings
  • Make sure new Visforms module has default layout selected
  • Improved testing of system requirements on installation/update
  • Improved logging during installation/update

Visforms Base Package 4.3.1

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Date: October 12, 2023


  • Fix PHP 8.2 incompatiblities


  • Complete adaptations for PHP 8.2: First version compatible with PHP 8.2
  • Accessibility: fix invalide use of aria-required
  • Rename language tags, improve translations

Visforms Base Package 4.3.0

Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 4, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1
Date: May 22, 2023

Please test before using on a productive system!


  • Fix: Field Configuration: Custom Text Position: Value 'Above Input" shows text above badge bg-info

New Feature

  • New Event: onVisfieldBeforeCreate
  • New Event: onVisformsBeforeFormSaveAfterUpload
  • Form Configuration: Allow to use placeholder of E-Mail fields to set value in mail from, mail to, mailcc, mailbcc in E-Mail configuration
  • Form Configuration: Allow to use placeholder of text and hidden fields to set value in mail from name in E-Mail configuration
  • Inspector View: Check Integrity of Installation


  • Consolidate Visforms HTML Classes for use with custom js/css
  • Prevent the possiblity to create mulitple options in a listbox/radio/checkbox group with the same value
  • Batch copy of forms and fields: Set created, created_by to correct values
  • Visforms Plugins with own data table: ensure record integrity in database
  • E-Mails: Refactoring of code, which adds user inputs to mails by automatic action
  • Improve installation/update messages

Visforms Base Package 3.0.5

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: April 19, 2023

Security Release


  • Some minor improvements to translations and with regards to a clean update to Joomla 4

Visforms Base Package 4.2.2

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, PHP 7, 8.0, 8.1
Date: March 8, 2023


  • Fix: Upload Field: Error Message is delayed
  • Fix php 8.1 incompatibilities of date fields
  • Fix: Use of @ in hint for E-Mail field results in broken field layout
  • Fix: Textarea: Frontend: Edit view does not show field content
  • Fix Problems resulting from invalid characters in custom translations, which are used in Javascript messages
  • Fix: Escape HTML entities in tooltip texts, sometimes missing

New Feature

  • Add loading of custom css files for view 'result page'
  • Add global Visforms option: Character limit in administration data view


  • Upload Field: change position of 'Clear Selection' link/button
  • E-Mail: Add data: Fields with option list: New Default: Display option badge bg-info as value
  • Code refactoring

Visforms Base Package 4.2.1

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, PHP 7 or 8.0
Date: December 1, 2022


  • Fix php 8.1 incompatibilities of Visforms Captcha
  • Fix missing Custom Text for fields of type submit, reset and image for bt5 layouts
  • Fix invalid CSS selector

New Feature

  • Implement a basic import for forms created with Breezingforms
  • Include Custom Plugin in installation

Visforms Base Package 4.2.0

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4, PHP 7 or 8.0
Date: October 11, 2022


  • Fix problems with installing 4.1.7 again on an existing 4.1.7


  • Correct typos in language files

Visforms Base Package 4.1.7

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: June 8, 2022


  • Fix: Listbox "Select Field Type" in administration looks weird
  • Custom css class for field is added without blank


  • Adapt language installation to new Joomla standard

Visforms Base Package 4.1.6

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: April 7, 2022


  • Fix: Joomla incorrectly displays a database error for visforms

Visforms Base Package 4.1.5

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: April 5, 2022


  • Fix: FileUploadLink(s) are always sent in result mail
  • Fix: JUri not found: error on edit form data having file upload field
  • Fix: Success message results in javascirpt error


  • Ensure english translation is always loaded as default
  • Add missing translations
  • Handle problems with PDF font installation
  • Make DDL of Visformstable column checked_out compatible with Joomla standard in order to prevent thirdparty problems (Error: 1048 Column 'checked_out' cannot be null)
  • Replace all potential @ in user defined custom error messages

Visforms Base Package 3.0.4

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: February 24, 2022


  • FileUploadLink(s) are always sent in result mail


  • Fix Problems with Invalide Session Token caused by Yootheme Builder

Visforms Base Package 3.0.3

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: January 18, 2022


  • Update Map does not work properly if click event is triggered programatically
  • Searchable multi select-box does not show selected values in frontend edit view


  • Fix invalide display of field option "Hide badge bg-info" when this option is not available

Visforms Base Package 4.1.4

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: December 10, 2021


  • Fix: Class VisformsPlaceholder not found
  • Fix: Modal Window for adding subscription download id does not work


  • Replace all http protocol links in docblocks with https

Visforms Base Package 4.1.3

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: November 3, 2021


  • Fix: Javascript error when using field of type textarea
  • Fix: HTMLHelper not found

Visforms Base Package 4.1.2

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: October 30, 2021


  • Fix: Using Visforms Captcha causes fatal error
  • Using HTML Editor in field of type textarea does not work properly
  • Only display “Export form defnition” button, if this feature is available

Visforms Base Package 3.0.2

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: October 12, 2021


  • Fix broken english translation file

Visforms Base Package 4.1.1

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: October 11, 2021

New Feature

  • New Option to encode/decode redirect URL parameter values


  • Fix: Item up and item down arrows in itemlistcreator are not disabled properly
  • Fix fatal error "Class not found" in frontend VisformsController on line 343
  • Fix broken display of bootstrap alerts for success and error messages in frontend form views
  • Fix broken german translation in administration
  • Fix: Visforms collapsable css breaks Joomla menu layout


  • Fix database maintainance error messages
  • Fix accessibility issues in search filter in frontend data views
  • Fix duplicate id-attributes "ajax-modal-error-dialog" on pages with multiple forms.
  • Remove empty h4 in frontend form views
  • Fix Joomla icon layout in Visforms toolbar header in administration

Visforms Base Package 3.0.1

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: October 11, 2021

New Feature

  • New Option to encode/decode redirect URL parameter values


  • Fix: Item up and item down arrows in itemlistcreator are not disabled properly


  • Fix database maintainance error messages
  • Fix accessibility issues in search filter in frontend data views
  • Fix duplicate id-attributes "ajax-modal-error-dialog" on pages with multiple forms.
  • Remove empty h4 in frontend form views

Visforms Base Package 4.1.0

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 4
Date: September 21, 2021

This is the first Visforms Base Package release for Joomla! 4

It has the same features as the Visforms Base Package 3.0.0

3.14.6 / Visforms Base Package 3.0.0

Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: September 21, 2021


  • Fix PHP 8 incompatibilities: This version should be fully compatible with php 8.0


  • Make Visforms a true package installation: Rename to Visforms Base Package. Version is 3.0.0


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: June 17, 2021


  • Fix: Max length validation does not work with chinese characters


  • Invalide desciption texts for form title and name in creator form
  • Fix typos in some translations
  • Trim custom redirect url/mail address before use, in order to prevent use of blank


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: May 4, 2021


  • Fix duplicate escaping of quotes in user inputs
  • Fix "Multiple e-mail Adresses in textarea are not displayed properly"


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: March 29, 2021


  • Fix php notices on php 8


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: February 18, 2021


  • Fix php 8 incompatiblities


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: December 5, 2020


  • Add missing file includes


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: November 5, 2020


  • This release contains major code refacotring with regards to the modified Joomla! library structure


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: August 14, 2020


  • Undefined index: CONTENT_LENGTH in /components/com_visforms/controllers/visforms.php


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: June 30, 2020


  • Make forms more stable against caching
  • Trigger click on captcha refresh button after window is loaded


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: May 27, 2020


  • Click on table header in frontend data view causes error
  • Fieldtype signature not excluded in visCsvHelper


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: May 12, 2020

First stable release of the 3.13 series. For all new feature, see release history form 3.13.0 to 3.13.10.


  • Form Layout selection not working properly
  • Clean curly brackets code in securimage.php


  • Add additional columns and sort and search filter to administrator view visfields


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: March 10, 2020


  • Fix some minor php warnings


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: January, 31, 2020


  • Switch tcpdf library to version 6.2.26


  • Fix typo in german admin language file


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: December 3, 2019


  • In administration data views of file upload fields with no files uploaded, the upload folder name is displayed not an empty value


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: October 25, 2019


  • Calender popup icon is not displayed inline in frontend views
  • Fix typo in language file
  • Image source and internals links are sometimes not replaced properly in E-Mails


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: October 11, 2019


  • fix invalide use of :not() operator with multiple class selectors in css


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: September 10, 2019


  • Fatal error when using multicheckboxsql and radiosql fields as placeholder
  • reload of selectsql does not work with “use url rewrite” enabled with urls with subdirectories
  • sending verfication mail does not work with “use url rewrite” enabled with urls with subdirectories


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: September 1, 2019


  • Use field value in csv-export-file name not working with select, radio, checkboxgroup
  • Modal window visfields placeholder shows to many placeholder


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: August 5, 2019


  • Replace Placeholder with option in JhtmlVisforms not working due to typo
  • fix php notices in third party library php_sql_parser


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: July 26, 2019


  • CSV export in administration always exports all recordsets, even if specific record sets are selected
  • Escaped umbersand breaks setting of default value through url parameter
  • Title settings, meta description and meta keywords from menu item configuration are not used properly since Joomla! 3.9.0


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: July 18, 2019


  • Field restrictions are not set properly on "Import Form Definition"
  • Escaped umbersand breaks setting of default value through url parameter


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: July 2, 2019

New Feature

  • Form Factory
  • Keep line breaks in stored data from textareas


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: April 23rd, 2019


  • Plugin spambotcheck: set default for to no, improve texts in configuration in order to make use clearer and set up easier
  • Ajax-Requests. Clear php buffer before getting return for Ajax-Request
  • Adapt check of session token for Ajax Requests
  • Improvement of Sql Error handling
  • Use php native json function in order to create javascript objects used to set default values in form


  • Viscaptcha reload leads sometimes to missing captcha image, due to invalide image url
  • CSV-Export Data missing, when iconv is not installed properly


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Feb 25th, 2019


  • In some rare cases using module Visforms results in an Invalid Url after submit
  • Color Picker in form configuration not working, when subscirption plugin mail attachments is enabled


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Feb 13th, 2019


  • Reload sort field list in menu item configuration after form was selected (Data view and Data view with edit link)
  • Add unique language tags for CSV export badge bg-info of overhead fields


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Jan 17th, 2019


  • Store conditions does not work for fields of type checkboxgroup and file
  • CSV Export: Special Characters in header line are not converted to windows-1254 characterset
  • Creation of data tables does not work, if database does not support utf8mb4


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Dec. 26th, 2018


  • Access level to VisformsModelVisplaceholders::$fid must be protected


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Dec. 17th, 2018


  • Custom Text is mising in field configuration


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Dec. 14th, 2018


  • CSV Export not working


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.9 or higher
Date: Nov. 11th, 2018

New Feature

  • Support Joomla! 3.9 Privacy Tool Suite (Actionlog, Adminsistrator Information, Privacy Data Request)


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: October 29th, 2018

Code refactoring

  • Enable description popup on itemlistcreator
  • Rename itemlistcreator in order to not run into trouble with mod_viscarousel


  • Event onVisformsBeforeSuccessAction not triggered properly


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: October 15th, 2018

Code refactoring

  • Refactoring of code, used to create option lists for listboxes, radio buttons and checkbox groups in field configuration
  • Layout of batch copy popup


  • Do not trigger content plugins on empty successMessage, because they sometimes add code to empty string


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: October 15th, 2018


  • Do not trigger content plugins on empty successMessage, because they sometimes add code to empty string


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: September 19th, 2018

Code refactoring

  • Switch to modified Joomla! Libraries (For Transition to Joomla! 4)
  • Always use data base classes for accessing the data base (will allow to make Visforms compatible with other data base driver)
  • Remove mootools code from admin view files
  • Refactored installer script
  • Fix logging in installer script
  • Add Code to convert characterset to utf8mb4 and collation to utf8mb4_unicode_ci if supported by data base engine
  • Use new Joomla! Router
  • Move view "message" as layout into view "visforms"
  • Clean up class attributes in form and frontend data views
  • Refactor function send in visforms controller
  • Discard old url encoding, use function in visforms helper instead
  • Use attribute data-error-container-id for better performance in frontend form view

New Feature

  • Add field option "show badge bg-info" to all field types (only available with Bootstrap 4 Layouts)
  • Administration: Direct access to data list view from field list and to field list from data list view
  • Noscript warning, if Javascript is disable in browser


  • Set data view field ordering does not work properly
  • Error Message "Captcha is Required" is not removed, when Recaptcha2 is solved


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: September 17th, 2018


  • Conditional calculation field values sometimes not saved properly in database


  • Trigger content plugins on result message


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: June 4th, 2018

Code Refactoring/New Feature

  • New Form Option: Display error messages in multi column layouts not as popup
  • Display max file size in javascript error message


Maturity: Release Candidate
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: April 29th, 2018


  • EqualTo restrictions are not reset properly of field type change
  • Filter reset button on modal Window Visforms (Editor-xtd Button Visfields) does not work properly
  • CSV Export throws error if php module iconv is not enabled on server

Code Refactoring/New Feature

  • Refactor placeholder: Provide placeholder with parameter (i.e. upload file name, upload file link...)


Maturity: Release Candidate
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: March 12th, 2018

New Feature

  • Set an individual value for the allowed file extensions for fields of type file upload, that overrides the default setting of the form configuration

Code Refactoring

  • Refactoring of frontend data views: use subtemplates and layouts
  • Add structured class attributes to frontend data views elememts (Improve posiblity of styling with custom css).


Maturity: Release Candidate
System Requirements: Joomla 3.8 or higher
Date: Feb. 26th, 2018

Code Refactoring

  • Deprecate the use of Mootools Framework in Visforms javascript
  • Use table class in order to stringify form options
  • Improve handling of restrictions due to dependencies between form fields


  • Internet Explorer does not support setting of default values for parameter in function declaration (Javascript)
  • Fatal Error Call to a member function get() on null when Page with Custom Result text is refreshed, using F5
  • Saveing permissions in field configuration does not work since Joomla! 3.6.0, due to incompatible code changes in Joomla! core
  • data export sometimes adds to many separators


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Feb. 6th, 2018

If you use Joomla! 3.8.4, please update at least to this Visforms version!

Bugfix for Joomla! 3.8.4

The only purspose of this update is to fix the following issue. There are no new features or other changes included.

  • Error 404 in frontend data views after Update to Joomla! 3.8.4


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Dec. 13th, 2017


  • Spamprotection form options not stored properly
  • Fix typo in German translation of Plugin Visforms Spambotcheck
  • Fix invalide HTML, checked against w3c HTML 4.0.1 validator
  • Layout of frontend data view is broken on a specific combination of display options for this view


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Nov. 6th, 2017


  • Buttons in form configuration in administration sometimes not working on websites with very many user groups
  • Some CSV-Export settings result in to many separators and invalide offset of first data column


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Oct. 12th, 2017


  • Better handling of timezones in created and modified field in data tables
  • Fix Error 404 when Visforms is displayed in module
  • Changing date format in configuration of fields of type date did not work properly


Maturity: Release Candidate
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Sep 28th, 2017

New Feature

  • Execute a Javascript function with a specific name before submit, if this function exists (allow to add a custom submit handler to form), See Visforms Documentation
  • New option for fields of type select, radio, checkbox group: use option badge bg-info as placeholder value
  • Support modified_at datetime in Visforms data tables


  • Intensive Code Refactoring
  • Make Form in module more stable. Allow to select a corresponing menu item in Visforms module
  • Base Version for Visforms Subscription 3.0.0 with lots of new feature


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Sep 18th, 2017

If you use Joomla! 3.8, please update at least to this Visforms version!

Bugfixes for Joomla! 3.8

  • Installation and update not working on Joomla! 3.8
  • Uninstallation of Visforms is incomplete on Joomla! 3.8


  • Fix for issue: Ordering fields of type number is alphanumeric in data views in front end and administration
  • Fix typo in German language files


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: July, 5th, 2017


  • Number field validation with Javascript fails (Update jQuery validator plugin to version 1.16.0)
  • Multi Column Layout is broken if a required date field hides it's badge bg-info
  • Captcha Layout is broken with some form layouts, if Google Recaptcha 2 is selected


  • Code improvements
  • use Joomla! core jQuery.ui instead of custom jQuery.ui library

If you use a Visforms Subscription, please update the subscription, too, to version 2.1.0


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: May 23rd, 2017


  • Code Improvements with regards to better performance
  • Change Router: Using a direct internal link to the form, results in "Form not found" message
  • Base version for Visforms Subscription 2.0.0


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: May 6st, 2017

If you use Joomla! 3.7, please update at least to this Visforms version! Older Visforms version are not compatible with Joomla! 3.7

Bugfixes for Joomla! 3.7

  • Editors-xtd Button Visformfields adds selected field always to the last editor, not the selected editor


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: May 1st, 2017

Bugfixes for Joomla! 3.7

  • Using JCE Editor as default editor causes fatal javascript error in field configuration
  • Search filter are not displayed in frontend data views


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: April 26th, 2017

Bugfixes for Joomla! 3.7

  • Field type "Date" breaks form on Joomla! 3.7.x
  • Setting Date format in configuration of field type "Date" in adminstration does not work properly on Joomla! 3.7


  • Using Joomla! database table prefix with upper case characters causes errors if Visforms is installed on a Windows/Max OS that does not support case sensitive table names


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: April 4th, 2017

New Feature

  • New field option to set the url parameter name, if user input is added to a redirect url

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Form Option "Set Focus" not working
  • Fix some update problems when updating from Joomla 2.5 or very old Visforms versions


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: March 15th, 2017

New Feature

  • Move option list items in field administration with drag and drop (Henk, thanks for sponsoring this development!)
  • allow to select how restictive upload files are checked before upload
  • New event "onVisformsBeforeEmailPrepare" with form as parameter

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • badge bg-info of step back button (form configuration) was not displayed properly on all back buttons due to missing code in layout files of pagebreak field type. - Changes in Visforms Core were required to fix the problem
  • Prevent use of Visforms Captcha options "Recaptcha" if recaptcha Plugin is not enabled because this causes major display problems with the form.
  • Prevent notice "undefined property: stdClass::$unchecked_value" in components/com_visforms/lib/business/checkbox.php on line 111
  • Options in option lists of fields of type radio, select or checkboxgroup, which contain a < character could not be saved properly
  • Using fields of type file as placeholder in mail returns empty value instaead of file name
  • Only submit used configuration settings when field configuration is saved - better use of ressources


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Jan. 12th, 2017


  • Enhance performance of script that is used to import and display option lists for list boxes, radio button and checkbox groups in the administration (Prevent "unresonsive script" message).
  • Better loading of language files
  • Better handling of redirects in Administration, if display of an admin view or saving of configuration settings for forms and fields fails due to restrictive php settings (i.e. low limit for max_input_vars, max_post_size, ...)


  • Due to bug in Visforms router, display of detail view with content plugin data view, did not work properly


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Dec. 18th, 2016


  • Better loading of language files


  • If subscription was used with previous Visforms version, availability of some subcription feature were not detected properly
  • If forms was used with a result message, user was redirected to form and not to result message, after form was submitted successfully.


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Dec. 14th, 2016


  • If default options for component Visforms were saved and an existing form was opened in the administration for configuration, form configuration was overriden with default values.


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Dec. 12th, 2016


  • New layout of administration default view
  • Prevent file upload from failing, if filename contains a blank

New Feature

  • Set Visforms Preferences (Visforms defaults options), which will always be used as default settings if a new form is created.


  • Fields of type calculation were missing in data edit view in administration


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Dec. 8th, 2016

This is the first stable release of the Visforms 3.8.x series. Since Visforms 3.8.0 beta was released in April 2016, we have added lots of new feature to the free Visforms versions. Please check the release notes for the respective release below.

Please Note: If you update from Visforms 3.7 or lower and if you have created overrides of Visforms files in your template you must remove these overrides. Otherwise Visforms will not work after the update.

Please clear all caches (including browser cache) after the update in order to remove cached javascript.


  • Profound code refactoring with the aim to improve the validity of (stored) user inputs throughout the different views and tasks which can be performed with Visforms
  • Always set field default values in form definition => precondition for proper working of reset button and field type calculation
  • Set field values from user input with javascript, after page is loaded
  • Always get proper default values for field regardless of whether it comes form an url param or the field configuration
  • Always get the proper user input from real user inputs or from stored data regardless of the view (form or edit) and regardless of the "state" (display or re-display after php validation failed)
  • If a field is disabled, reset it's value to the default value
  • Store empty string "" (instead of NULL) as value of disabled fields in database (this is the value which is stored if the data are edited in the administration) => avoid conflicts with invalide data that results from simultanious editing in backend and frondend
  • Move javascript code from validation.php to visforms.js, make sure, that code is only included once, even if there are more than one form on the site
  • Enable Submit Button only if there are no Javascript errors (which usually are the result of Jacascript incompatibilities from other third party extensions) on the page.


  • If unique value validation fails in php because two record sets with the same value are stored at the same time, layout of multi step forms was broken after re-display of form
  • Bugfix for Error 1305 FUNCTION [Datenbank].CHAR_LENGTH does not exist


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: September 26th, 2016


  • New Option: add "clear selection" link to upload fields
  • New Option: display a "in progress" text after form submit
  • Better clearing of error messages for file upload fields
  • validate file size and extension on client side
  • Better Handling of upload file size errors in php and prevent Error 413 if post is to big


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: September 13th, 2016


  • (Merge from 3.7.10) checkboxes and the last checked checkbox of a checkbox group could not be unchecked in the data detail edit view in administration
  • Use of quotes in custom error text breaks Visforms
  • Conditional fields, depending on a checkbox, are not displayed on first load of the form, when the checkbox is enabled by default
  • In some rare situations the display of conditional fields is not triggerd properly
  • The value of field of type calculation is not reset when the reset button was pressed


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: August 13th, 2016


  • Checkboxes and the last checked checkbox of a checkbox group could not be unchecked in the data detail edit view in administration


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: August 10th, 2016


  • Remove invalide backslash when using placeholders in result text and emails


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: August 5th, 2016


  • Merge Bugfix from Visforms 3.7.8 stable: Problems with update from Visforms 3.1.2 - update script was sometimes not executed completely

New Feature

  • New form option: select a detail link icon for frontend data view


  • Background color of badges was missing with Bootstrap 3 CSS


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: August 4th, 2016


  • Problems with update from Visforms 3.1.2 - update script was sometimes not executed completely


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: July 25th, 2016


  • Problems display form with captcha enabled in module position


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: July 11th, 2016


  • Base Version for Extension Bootstrap 3 Layouts
  • Minor Bugfixes


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: July 7th, 2016


  • In Combination with search tools extension: Only show Button "Search Filter" in frontend views, if there actually are filters to display
  • Merge bugfixes and improvements made in version 3.7.7, which were released after the release of version 3.8.2, into the beta version (3.8.2)

New Feature

  • Use placeholder instead of field badge bg-info in fields of type textarea
  • In combination with multi page extension: New Option "hide empty fields" on summary page


  • Conditional fields were not properly hidden after click on reset button
  • Plugin Visforms Spambotcheck was not compatible with php 7
  • Prevent installation from being aborted as failed, if log file cannot be written


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: July 4th, 2016


  • For Fatale Error "0-String could not be parsed as XML"
  • Plugin Visforms Spambotcheck was not compatible with php 7


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: June 16th, 2016


  • New Form Option: Include "Created By" (CSV Export Option)
  • Base version for new feature "custom field types" which provides a field type "calculation"
  • Improve Layout of batch copy modal window
  • Add Search filter "language" and "access" to modal window "Select Form", which is used in menu item configuration and module configuration

Merge bugfixes and improvements made in version 3.7.5 and 3.7.6, which were released after the release of version 3.8.1, into the beta version (3.8.2)

  • Allow up to 500 characters as checkbox value in checkbox field configuration
  • Bugfix for fatale error "0-String could not be parsed as XML"
  • Bugfix for: Trainling blanks in listbox, radio button and checkbox group option list values cause invalide php validation of form
  • Bugfix for Fatal Error "0-Invalid Address" after update to Joomla! 3.5.1


  • Conditional display of fieldtyp fieldseparator did not work properly when option "hide border" was enabled
  • HTML Editor field is always in English (not language sensitive)
  • set minimum and maximum value fo up/down arrow of number fields in frontend form view according to field configuration settings of minimum and maximum value
  • Search filter in administration view visforms are sometimes expanded although no filter is active
  • Sometimes forms are missing in modal window "Select Form", used in menu items and module Visforms.


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: June 9th, 2016


  • Bugfix for fatale error that occured when mail from address was missing in form configuration


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: June 8th, 2016


  • Trailing blanks in listbox option values caused submissions of form to fail in php validation
  • Special characters in listbox option values sometimes caused fatal error in data views


  • Allow up to 500 characters for checkbox value


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: May 1st, 2016


  • Fix "Undefinded variable" notice in validation.php


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: April 30th, 2016

New Feature

  • Add custom css files to all data views
  • New form option "Set Focus on first field"



Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: April 27th, 2016


  • Unique values only validation did not work properly on some field types
  • Redirect to form page on php valiation error sometimes failed due to encryption
  • Option "published" was not disabled in admininstration form configuration for users with ACL can edit state settings set to forbidden


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: April 15th, 2016

New Feature

  • Copy conditional settings with field on batch copy of forms, on batch copy of field within a form and on "save as copy" for field


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: April 7th, 2016

New Feature


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: March 30th, 2016

New Feature

  • Change uploaded file in administration data edit view
  • New Field Option: Add (submitted user inputs) to redirect url
  • New Field Option: Include in resultmail (Allows to control individually for each field if data are included in the result mail)
  • New Field Option: Include in receipt mail (Allows to control individually for each field if data are included in the receipt mail)
  • New Form Option: User mail address in result mail as link (may help when result mails are flagged as spam)


  • Use default datetime format of choosen user language for "Created at" Date in mails
  • Intensive code refactoring


  • Javascript error message position was incorrect in multi column forms with conditional fields
  • Google Recaptcha V2 does not work on Joomla! 3.5


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: March 30th, 2016

Bugfixes for Joomla! 3.5.0

  • Recaptcha V2 does not work


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Mars 5th, 2016

New Feature

  • Disable used options in fields of type select, radiobutton and checkbox group if the field option "unique values only" is enabled


  • Validation of unique values did not work on selects and checkbox group with multiselect enabled
  • Prevent storage of duplicate values for fields with option "unique values only" enabled on high traffic websites
  • Storage and handling of multiselect and checkbox group values in the database (comma is no longer used as separator, so that it is possible to create option values with comma)
  • Display of validation error message
  • Display of data in Data edit view in administration


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Feb. 22nd 2016


  • Fix for: Error (Cannot instantiate abstract class VisformsHtmllayout) or form displays an empty page (which one depends on error display settings of the website) on some installation after Joomla! 3.4.7/3.4.8 update.
  • Submitted user inputs were sometimes not cleared from session if form submission failed


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Feb. 1st 2016


  • Set default value for form option "Display Powered By Link" to "no"


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Feb. 1st 2016


  • Fix for: Error (Cannot instantiate abstract class VisformsHtmllayout) or form displays an empty page (which one depends on error display settings of the website) on some installation after Joomla! 3.4.7/3.4.8 update.
  • Submitted user inputs were sometimes not cleared from session if form submission failed


  • Set default value for form option "Display Powered By Link" to "no"


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher

  • Minor changes and bugfixes necessary for the proper function of the Visforms extension "Edit data in frontend"


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher

New Feature

  • Use user data from Joomla! user profile from logged in user as default value in fields of type text


  • Improved compatiblity of Visforms with Joomla! Cache setting: Forms, displayed in a module will work now with the "conservative caching" enabled in global configuration, even if the Joomla! system cache plugin is enabled.


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • New Option for csv export: exclude header
  • Code Refactoring


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • Use visIcon Font for all icon font icons in frontend views (avoid conflicts with some templates that use icon fonts in a not Joomla! compatible way)
  • Automatically include custom css files in frontend form views, if it exists. (Changes, made on Viforms core css files are overridden with each update. This feature implements a way to add custom css to Visforms, that will not be overriden on Visforms updates.)
  • Intensive code refactoring
  • Store user id of a logged in user with submitted form data
  • In combination with the Visforms extension vffrontedit you can enable users to edit stored user inputs in frontend according to their permission for "" and ""


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher
Date: Feb. 1st 2016


  • Fix for: Error (Cannot instantiate abstract class VisformsHtmllayout) or form displays an empty page (which one depends on error display settings of the website) on some installation after Joomla! 3.4.7/3.4.8 update.
  • Submitted user inputs were sometimes not cleared from session if form submission failed


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • With some configuration settings empty fields were not exported to CSV.


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • ACL Options for data edit did not work properly: Allowing data edit was not possible for user groups other than Super Users.


  • New Option to add record set id of saved user inputs to result and receipt mail


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • Visforms Captchas refresh does no work properly
  • Sometime conditional fields does only work the second time
  • Using result message sometimes throws a message "Form missing"


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • Reset hits to 0 when form is batch copied
  • Keep field ordering on batch copy, if form is copied with fields
  • Use Joomla! configuration option to add site name to title tag


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • Hide "field" button in form edit view in new form which is not yet saved

New Feature

  • New field option to control the access level of the data view in frontend on field level

Improvements (for the use with the new search plugin for Visforms data)

  • Only show a "back to list" link in the detail data view in frontend if there is a matching menu item


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • Reply to mail address in result mail was sometimes missing
  • Pagination of frontend data view did not work independantly if there were more than one menu item of type Visforms data view.


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher

New Features

  • Make form HTML in frontend overrideable, use of JLayout Class
  • Customize Visforms Captcha, new options in form configuration: use mathematical captcha, customize colors, distortions, noise
  • Edit result mail text (including placeholder)
  • Options to hide submitted data, ip, created in result mail


  • User inputs have not been cleaned after successful form submit, if the form uses a redirect url.
  • Set a minimum value of 0 was not possible for fields of type number
  • Display of number fields of type number was not correct in some browsers. (It was possible to choose a value below the minimum value with browser control).
  • Option "Allow data frontend view" was not used
  • Sort filter in data view in administration always vanished, even if set.
  • Active menu item in componente administration views was always set to "Forms"
  • Date control of fields of type date did not work, when form was displayed again after failed php validation of user inputs
  • Don't show the message that a field cannotbe unpublished (due to it's usage as condition for another field), when the field is published.
  • Remove Joomla! validation message in form and field edit view (displayed when title/badge bg-info and name where not entered), when these fields are filled properly but another input is not valid.
  • Frontend Data View option to set the list limit did not work if the value "Show All" was selected.


  • Buttons added to task panel in administration views, in order to make navigation easier: Back to form (in fields list and data list), Data (in form edit view)
  • Form information added in: field list, field edit view, data list
  • Add "Save and New" respectively "Add and New" buttons to form that is used to create options for selects, radios and checkbox groups
  • Adapt titel for form, that is used to create options for selects, radios and checkbox groups to the task that is currently performed (Create Option/Change Option)
  • Hide custom field configuration options in field edit view, if they cannot be used with the selected field type
  • Change the order in which options in field edit view are displayed, so that they are grouped and better the view has a more userfriendly structure.
  • Code improvements to avoid php notices
  • Handle missing or empty forms in frontend views with proper messages


Maturity: Beta
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher

New Features

  • New form layout for multi column forms


  • Move all php valitation error messages into the form container
  • Enable the use of a "tmpl" URL parameter


  • If a form was displayed in a module or an article and the php validation of the form failed, a redirect to the page with the form did only work if SEF Urls were enabled


Maturity: Stable
System Requirements: Joomla 3.3.6 or higher


  • Data edit view sets blank in empty fields which causes problems on save
  • Mails are sometimes blocked by spam filters due to too many characters in one line. Set encoding option in mails to enforce proper line breaks.
  • Improve function to set of focus on first field. Skip field if it is disabled
  • Display of date picker icon is not working on conditional date fields



  • Enforce email cloaking in all texts in form
  • Enable the use of placeholders in email subject


  • Equal To Validation throws exception



  • Form option to set an individual captcha badge bg-info
  • Form option to hide captcha badge bg-info
  • If form is used in a module or an article, redirect to the original page where the form is displayed in the module/article, if user inputs fail in php validation.
  • Replace @ in default values of email fields if form is displayed in content (to prevent problems with email cloaking)
  • Kein Focus auf erstem Formularfeld in Modul


  • Plugin Spambotcheck does not work properly
  • Form options to show/hide required asterix and to control asterix position do not work for captcha



  • New frontend data view options which allow to control individually if Id, Ip, created are displayed in list and or detail view.
  • New frontend data view option which allow to control if value in created is displayed as date or as datetime value
  • New form option "Allow Dataview in Frontend"
  • New form option to set access level for data view in frontend separately and indivendently from access level of the form frontend view
  • New frontend data view option to set the sort order
  • New frontend data view option to add a class attribute in data list table


  • "Access" option in form does not work properly



  • Plugin Visforms Spambotcheck settings moved to form configuration
  • Enable use special characters in HTML-Editor panel for form field textarea


  • user inputs are displayed again when form is the "home" menu (or module on that page) and form is submitted successfully
  • Option "HTML Editor" for textareas did not work properly



  • data view frontend, option to set number of recordsets did not work



  • Problem with move up/move down arrow in options lists of radios, checkbox groups and selects field, before the fields has been saved for the first time
  • "Id" icon is missing in frontend data view
  • The language tag COM_VISFORMS_badge bg-info_DESC exists two times with different values


New feature

  • New Parameter for field of type url: Show as link


  • Error: Cannot instantiate abstract class VisformsLayout in /homepages/44/d555047437/htdocs/components/com_visforms/lib/layout.php on line 86
  • Placeholder in Result text does not work
  • Text "Select an option" is displayed in every select, even if it is not necessary



  • lib/html/control/default.../text.php problems with $attributeArray in function getControlHtml()

2.1.2 and 3.1.2 and 3.2.1

Security Update

  • Set default values for "autopublish data" and "show field in dataview" to no, so that user inputs cannot be revealed accidentally

Improvements for 3.2.1

  • Prevent change of date format for date fields after first user input for this field is stored

Bugfixes for 3.2.1

  • use of result message causes error
  • Sort order does not work for date fields in data views in administration and site


New feature

  • New form layout: Choose between the old Visforms Layout and two Bootstrap Layouts, that implements the default Bootstrap layout and the horinzontal Bootstrap layout for frontend design of Form
  • New Field Type "Checkbox Group"
  • Allow the use of Url parameter to make forms more flexible
  • Additional validation: Support validation with custom validation rules (regex)
  • Additional validation: Enforce identical values in two or more form fields in form validation (equalTo-Validation)
  • Additional validation: Enforce unique values in stored user input
  • Set focus on first form field
  • Edit stored user inputs in administration, including ACL
  • Introduction of conditional fields
  • New export option: Choose between semicolon and comma as separator in export
  • Multiple css files, each editable through administration
  • Better implementation of features that support people with disabilities (aria technic)
  • Check that typefield has a selected value
  • Make sure that required field options are set in field configuration
  • New field options: Hide badge bg-info and allow placeholder text in inputs
  • More flexibility to display the Required * (via css)
  • New field option: Choose the position of custom text
  • Change prorietary format for storage of select, radio an checkbox group options to JSON
  • Changed the interface that is used to create option lists for radios, checkbox groups and selects. Move options up and down is possible with this interface.
  • Start to establish an event system that supports native Joomla plugin development for Visforms
  • New form options for email settings: Allow differnt email from and email fromname for result and receipt
  • Add replayTo header to mail (hopefully less problems with being blocked as spam): Mailfrom should always use the registered domain name of the website to prevent mails from being classified as spam (by relay server).

2.1.1 and 3.1.1

New feature

  • Parameter to determine number of datasets displayed on page in data view (frontend).
  • Set default order of datasets in data view (frontend)
  • Use placehoder in e-mails and/or Result Message which are replaced with the current user inputs


  • Replace placehoder not working for textarea inputs
  • Replace placehoder not working for empty inputs
  • Fileupload not working second (or higher) file upload field of form

2.1.0 and 3.1.0


  • Date fields feature in frontend a calender to pick a date, even if they are set to readonly.
  • Some field names prevent form submit from working properly, because they interfere with the request. Fixed for field names "id, view, itemid, fid, option, task, lang, language"
  • Email from settings in form are not used
  • Closing div is missing in the message that is displayed after form is successfully send
  • Problems when use form or dataview as frontpage
  • Listbox for field type selection must be of type required
  • created in e-mail and database are always UTC
  • Dataview Frontend field "id" is irritating because numbers are not consecutive when datasets are deleted.
  • Set user permission for visforms.css to 644 before copying file during update

Bugfixes 3.1.0 only

  • Frontend views still contain one mootools function which causes problems in bootstrap templates that do no longe include mootools


First Version for Joomla! 3

  • Complete code refactoring

  • 2.0.1 to 2.0.3

    • Minor changes and bugfixes



    • Use default field order as field order in data list and details views (front- and backend)

    New feature

    • Include Google ReCaptcha
    • Frontend Data View: Allow to publish data in details view which are not published in list view and vice versa
    • Show created date in data list view (backend)
    • New parameter email from name
    • Parameter to choose the position of text "Required"
    • Include a download link in recipient email
    • Package installation of component, module and plugins
    • Submenu for component menu
    • Improved english translations
    • Use of jquery validation plugin for formcheck instead of mootools
    • Adaptation to Joomla! MVC
    • New email options: Email From Name
    • New export options: Export published fields only, Export published recordsets only, Export field "Published", Use Windows Charset, Parameter to exclude field from data export


    • Delete linebreaks in textareas inputs which will break excel layout (data export)
    • Prevent direct access of backend edit views (via url)
    • no storage of absolut path any more. This makes it possible to show either just the file name or a path to file
    • Throw an error message if upload folder does not exsist directly when form is saved (instead of complicated texts in backend which will show up only after form is saved)
    • New view "Information & Help"
    • Better structure of css selectors and rules

    1.0.2 to 1.0.3

    • Minor changes for approval by JED


    First Version for Joomla! 2.5